Absolutely in love with these, just need to get my arches rolled as they scrape a little 😀
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21 комментарий
Looks sick mate
Change the wheels black
Dream car. Red/ gold rims combo is on point.
https://www.google.com/search?q=red+corsa+vxr+with+gold+alloys&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=jmCbnBXn07XSrM%253A%252Cn9P9heIDvbk87M%252C_&usg=AI4_-kS4TmSsgDgZDhgCJePNktxW3BdSfA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjUs-TX383fAhUyyYUKHXxdCBoQ9QEwAHoECAUQBA#imgrc=jmCbnBXn07XSrM: Evidence
doesnt actually look half bad
Totally mint !!!
keep this colourway, unreal lad
Paint them black
Plenty of Corsa's on Bola's, just not many red n gold ones. Check out Corsa VXR Owners Club on FB if ya get a chance mate. Plenty of people to give advice and help etc. when you run into trouble.
New Subscriber ☺
so sick
Jesse your car looks sick with the different touches of mods you've got on it…. I ain't gonna lie.. I had reservations when I saw the Alloys were gold… but when you drop them on the car… they really enhance the look of the car and sets the car right off… Keep em Gold… You don't see any Red Corsa VXR's with Gold Alloys….. Be different and stand out from the crow… Well done!
Wheels look sick
Looks Amazing!
What make of wheel are they
Spending that much on a Corsa why not buy a better car?
Sunny Rhyl!
Your a silly cunt mate lol
Nice wheels. Just shame about corsa.
Think they look well smart