Embarquez à bord de la nouvelle Alfa Romeo Giulia Quadrifoglio pour un tour du Nürburgring en configuration VLN (boucle nord + circuit F1), à la poursuite d’une Porsche 911 GT3 RS puis de plusieurs BMW M3. Retrouvez l’essai complet et les photos en accès libre sur : http://www.largus.fr/actualite-automobile/essai-alfa-giulia-quadrifoglio-le-test-au-nurburgring-et-sur-autobahn-8519393.html
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28 комментариев
Оба пилота ездят на уровне ))
Love Silverstone!
@Alfa Guy
you've driven quite well yep.. That's true.
Without that traffic jam you should have lost the GT3's shape in less than half round.
And this clearly means that "only" CV/HP dont turn a car into a queen.
However your car worths half the prix of the GT3 (75k€ vs 150 k€) AND also THIS is true.
SO, welldone.
@GT3 Guy
Dear, how many are you loud!?!?!? 🙂
Very nice driving style. Good JOB.
Be well!
Back to the legend 🙂
Fuck Italian cars German all day
The driver looks so composed.
Nice to see the successor of Alfa 156 Gta keeping up with that beastly 911. Although i must give some compliments to the Porsche-driver, his driving was very good.
Great car and well driven. But um, shouldn't our boy be wearing a helmet? Just sayin ….
Ma prochaine bagnole! Fini les allemandes!!
gt3 the best!! giulia bye bye
Fantastic Alfa !
Alfa is back! Love it, big surprise for everyone! But I can't agree with the people who said it keeps up with the porsche. If there was no traffic, the porsche wouldve had a massive distance ahead.. people who also say "just a little bit more horsepower and the alfa smacks that gt3 rs" aren't right as well. You can see how unstable the alfa is with these speeds in corners.. this is a good driver and he also has trouble not to spin the wheels at the back. If you add more horsepower, it would've been undriveable. If it made it faster, Alfa wouldve put more horses into the alfa. GT3 RS stays flat and has alot of grip.
But I can't deny that the Alfa is a damn fast car!
lol the Porsche cruising.
This alfa is the German killer
Typical cunt in a shit bmw.
The shit alfa cant live with the Porsche acceleration
The interesting thing that a pure sports of 120000 Euro can not pull off a sports sedan of 80000 euro! What would I buy ??? Easy!
Just perfect,Bravo!
I subscribed because I am
che tristezza vedere queste manine da fighettina fare click click click sulle palette. Ma dove sono gli uomini vri col cambio manuale… dove? dove? dove???
High quality driving…FAB.
The return of Alfa Romeo …
a lots of car for a best lap, however nice drive! amazing car, white outside and red inside is very beautiful, Ferrari engine… woow!
I am a simple man: I see Alfa Romeo Giulia, I press thumbs up
Think he's the only pro driver on this circuit thats why he's eating the road and surpassing the others cars. Alfa is a shit car no comparison with bmw porshe and Mercedes. This car is a perfect replic for a cayenne
nice bmw copy
GT3 so much over the latin teen spirit