#w203coolfeatures #w203tipsandtricks #handyhiddenfunctions
whats up guys back again with another video 🎥🎥
if your new to the channel im mikey
this is mikeyz vlogz
and on this channel 📺📺
i do a whole bunch of videos on mercedes benz w204
and now w203
how to videos
tips and tricks
common fault and issues
and step by step tutorials
helping other w204 owners to DIY themselves at home and help keep the money in your pocket 💲
so if your new to the channel consider subscribing ✔
and joining the community asking questions ⁉
requesting videos and just helping each other out via the comments section i would love to have you as part of the channel
i also do some product reviews and comparisons time to time as i love to share the cool gadgets that catch my eye
in this video i show you guys all the
cool features that the mercedes benz w203 has to offer
from general hacks to handy hints
cool stuff and hidden features which were never disclosed in the manual
and basically everything you need to know about the w203
now bare in mind that my car is a manual
however everything is basically the same except for the transmission
which made it so fuun to drive
as for the features they are all the same and wil be very similar from model to model
some may have a few more as the extra option may have been added during production
but all w203’s should have what im about to show you here today
if not dont be alarmed as it may just not have the added option thats all
its amazing that a car 20 years old has so many features
and im sure theres more that i have forgotten to mention
im so honored to have owned this car
and it is the car that made me love mercedes and made me want to buy the w204 c300
i fell in love with the shape and style of this car when it first came out
the lights , the badge
the curves made me love it so much
and always wanted to have one of my own
finally i was able to do that
and its been an amazing experience and i would never regret owning this beautiful car
honestly for a car that is 20 years ols, it still looks like an up to date car and
i believe that it can stand the test of time with the right love and care…
after all it is a mercedes benz and they lasts as long as you want them to with the right
with all that said
i really hope you found this video helpful
in that
it will help you decide whether or not you would like to own a mercedes like this
and if you already do
i hope it helps you to find out things about it that you may never have knew existed
day after day i was discovering other hidden features
which i never knew about and it made me smile
i just loved that it had so much to offer
yes there are pros and cons of course but i will save that for another video
enojoy the video
if you have any questions feel free to leave a comment in the comment section below and i will do my best to answer them 💬💬
thank you very much for watching 👁🗨👁🗨
your support will help me thrive to make more content and videos for you guys
thank you from the bottom of my heart ❤💚💙💜❤💖
much love to you all
if you found this video helpful pls give it a thumbs up👍 👍
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mikeyz vlogz
this is my own personal vlogs. the views and opinions expressed here represent my own and not the people, institutions or organizations that i may or may not be related with unless stated otherwise My thoughts and opinions change from time to time,as i come to learn more and develop my own understanding about the things and issues that i am vlogging about. my vlogs just provide a brief insight of knowledge , views and opinions that i possess at that point in time, which may change overtime. comments are welcome. however please keep in mind that offensive, unrelated and tasteless comments may be deleted. this also relates to off — topic comments. i am not responsible for the content in the comments, or in blogs or vlogs and other online content that i may link to or refer to, other then the comments made by myself. i will not be held responsible for any damages or issues that may occur during or that may arise after the use of this video, if you choose to do so. this video should only be used as a guideline. i am not a qualified mechanic nor a qualified electrician or a professional.
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46 комментариев
My auto leveling headlights on my 2007 c230no longer works. No sure if there is some sort of reset I can do myself or do I have to have it reset by the dealer. Or is it a bad sensor?
Awesome video, extremely helpful.
I have just bought a c180 last 3 months and ur video very helpful. Tq Q so much mate
I have three malfunctions coming up one is windscreen washer, bottle, another being coolant level and it also ESP program not available ? Tried holding the reset button for 20 seconds and nothing came up for me. It’s a 2003 W203 could you give me an advice please?
Thanks, very helpful for me.
Wonderful tips provided, thanks! I just bought one. Where did you get the head unit replacement in WA? I'm thinking of getting an android apple car play.
do your w203 originally not have a front parking sensor ? i thought all mercedes have that.
So by pressing unlock and lock again will it go back to pressing unlock on e and all door inlock
Mercedes is always ahead
I have an 03 C320 and except for the engine, it looks exactly like your W203, inside and out, and everything in your video worked on mine! Thanks for all the helpful tips!
Although I am planning on moving up chassis or at least enter the AMG, I still daily my w203. This is a great video for anyone the needs know how this car works. It was a nightmare trying to figure out certain features and how things worked around the radio
these are great cars,, dont buy one after 2001…they have the 271 engine……ABSOLUTE RUBBISH….. mb DIDNT PICK THE BALL UP AGAIN UNTIL THE …..CDI and CGI models……..but be warned…………….CDI Models sound like TRACTORS…lol
You have corroded soldering on the door sensor for the windows because the range is 6 meters at the right angles to open and close the windows from the fob
Many thanks for this excellent tips & tricks tutorial Mikey. Really informative. The 90-degree hood feature is fantastic — never knew till seeing this video. I have a 2006 w203 automatic saloon in the UK (made in South Africa) but the dashboard is completely different (with 2 large circular dials and 2 smaller circular dials with a very narrow text display area in the centre) and I tried to get the hidden diagnostics menu for ESP settings, oil level check, SW version etc for example but mine doesn't seem to have this option. The battery voltage checker works on mine though. I also have 2 small yellow LED lights on the bottom of my rear view mirror which I never noticed before.
What happens if you Jumpstart the car directly with tye vattery without using the metal chasis as the groun???
very useful.. thx
Any ideas why my battery keeps draining and my fuel gauge won't turn on? I don't think it's the fuses or anything. I have a new battery new earth wire new rear SAM…. Any help would be appreciated
How to fix fuel gauge ?
Wauw that Coin holder is a class apart Love it 15:09
How can I reset the car 2 erase the service soon indacter I did my oil hanger but they never reset it
I’ve had that annoying noise for years, didn’t know it was the stepper motor, now I can fix it my self
can you show us how to remove the esl on the w203 like you did on the w204
Mercs has lots of features. But why can't they include foldable rear seats. It's annoying not been able to carry large items.
Had my W203 16 years learnt some good tips. Thanks
German techniques from 24 years ago. And what is here secret function now ?
can i upgrade my older fully black key to that one you have, the newer one
Sometimes the key get stuck in my starter.What is the cause and how do I get it released.
Pushing in on a gauge cluster brightness nob or pin is definitely not as you said when you're talking about setting or resetting the engine oil service interval & you said HOLD ONTO too the reset button to reset the gauge cluster When in fact holding onto that trip reset nob does actually nothing at all but holding it, said trip nob only functions when either manually Twisting or Pushing in on said nob. So you also didn't even catch yourself making such a elementary mistake and kept on yaking & repeating multiple times like the viewers have dementia and if one watches this channel too much they will be diagnosed with a demented mind. Period Glad our family never moved to Australia in the late 1960's & chose to move to Winnipeg Canada instead when there's Seasons of weather & climate and 5 / 6 months of my favourite season Winter ☃️. From Alberta Canada, Sure is weird seeing a so-called Asian appearance individual sounding with a unnatural accent almost like a freak of nature.
3:11 AUF <—-> ZU even on the other side of the world , lol!
How do I left up my privacy screen in the back door like the rear window
Just ordered a radio for my w203
Hallo Mercedes-Benz Cruiser can you next time show mi the audio and navigatie system Thx Bro grtz Fernando ☆
This is brilliant video thanks, ive just gone from an old w124, its amazin how much some of this stuff came from the w124
Are all Mercedes C180 Classic compressor engine?
Excellent video, learned some stuff! Thanks!
By the way noticed that you’ve replaced the radio for a multimedia. Where have you got the wood-like colour frame? Or have you been able to retain the original? Been looking but haven’t found one.
Great informative video I am on my 3rd 220cdi
Great car recent run to Reading it did 48mpg
Hi I bought today C180 engine is M111 E20 Evo and manual transmission , what advice you give me
Who drives and videos? Maniac.
can u show to to set radio stations
I change the battery for a new one and display show me de BAS but I drive normally.. its safe?
This is superb. Great one.
Is that a torsion bar in the engine bay?
Really helpful especially cos my manual is in German