Mercedes benz M111 engine setting, checking camshaft timing, important details no one talks.
Vėliau bus atskiras video apie šitą turbo projektėlį 🙂 .
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Mercedes benz M111 engine setting, checking camshaft timing, important details no one talks.
Vėliau bus atskiras video apie šitą turbo projektėlį 🙂 .
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33 комментария
Pagaliau anglu kalba, senai laukėm, šaunuolis !
Šaunu 🙂
Kas cia per projektas? 🙂 vietoje kompresoriaus turbo? 🙂 ar cia atmosferikas turbintas bus tik dangtelis nuo kompresorinio? Butu idomu daugiau pamatyt ka cia sugalvoje 🙂
Labai gerai. Taip ir toliau. Beje, labai geras kanalas yra "M539 Restorations". Galima pasigaudyt gerų idėjų plėstis. Sėkmės!
Pagaliau! Ilgai lauktas M111
ooo, pats laikas pasiekti placiaja visuomene su anglisku contentu!
Every one laughing about Lukas pronounce of words are dumb than dumber. Dude is a Master in Automobiles on a very high scale!
Lukai, sekmes tau. Ir nepamirsk, kad mazesnis akumuliatorius yra geriau nei didesnis hahaha
Mldc taip ir toliau.
What setup do you have with that turbo ?
Hi there
I need some advice if you can give it.
I recently changed headgasket and with that the timing chain and all things around it.
I had NO IDEA about those secrets you shared, but she's been fine and already ran for over 1500KMs.
Would my engine simply die if I didn't retard the camshaft or would it take a long time?
Asking this because lately I've been listening to a rattling noise that doesn't sound like a chain problem, more like the cam adjuster starting to fail of old age, and it's slowly but surely getting louder.
Is the OT mark the TDC of cylinder 1?
Definitely not laughing> I think you were saying Vanos, BMW speak for adjustable cam timing.
Adding this to my list for my soon upcoming head gasket replacement on my 02 M111.981 Kompressor.
Hello MegstuBMW, thank you for This great video. We are working on a C180 with m111 engine and used your video as a gide. Thank you for that.
After mounting a new chain and a secondhand vvt ( vanos) the car keep throwing engine light. Y49 variable timing selonoide mechanical failure.
It seems that the vanos is blocked on the retarded position. Is there anything we can do to de-lock it ?
This engine is a pain in the but.
Thanks to this video I'm going to tackle my car again. It's been sitting for two years.
He explained exactly what I noticed about the timing marks.
Now I get it. Mercedes over complicated this engine.
If I get it running I want to give this man a hundred $100. I hope he reads my comment.
I don't know how you figured this but I commend you for your understanding.
Mate, this engine is reliable enough or there is other engine from w124 even more reliable?? Im talking clearly only about reliability and not about power
Great video, i am thinking of doing the head gasket because of a coolant leak at the back. We'll explained
При монтаж на нова верига колко градуса трябва да бъдат — 20 или 30 ? По спецификация за нова верига го дават 20 градуса? Благодаря,
Thank you it's a great tutorial and really helpful. Really apreciate that you showed us how to properly do it. Please now I'm trying to solve one problem. I'm not able to reach 20° just 10 or 30. I didn't have space for oil pump replacement (noisy chain) and mechanic made a mistake — result contact between valves and pistons.. ok now I'm trying to repair it after year … Do you think that reason why I can't reach 20° could be that guys in shop took 0.35 from head? All timming parts are new. (Changed year ago by mechanic) thank you in advance.
Hello, have to say "great video, well done" , definiily well explained. my question now, does this even work for the "M111.942 W210 E200 2.0 136hp " ? thx a lot for your efforts with the video
hello again, i have to ask one more time. did you set cylinder 1(or 4) in the up position with turning the crank before adjusting the camshaft timing? or does it automatically happens either it is not dependent ? thx in advance
Great video excellent work
But when crankshaft is on TDC. We count 6 or 5 teeth for the intake camshaft? It was little confusing to me honestly
So I’m trying to do mine can I just do the first method or do I have to do both ??? Please see my coment
Brilliant video thanks for the help.
The issue I have is when I try to adjust the Vanos it feels stuck and spins the whole engine. If I hold the crankshaft with a breaker bar it still won’t adjust.
Anyone any ideas ? Feel stuck
Turbooo ✈️
Just wanted to thank you for your video that helped a lot .
I have this same motor and it snapped the intake camshaft. I couldn't find a intake camshaft for the exact M111 motor and the one that snapped were not the original and looks like the previous owner put a different camshaft in as it had a 6mm higher profile than it should have and the reason why it snapped as the valves bottomed out.
So eventually I found a camshaft of a later model but the timing pins on different positions. Your video was so that I could see were the camshaft lobes sits in top dead centre. The engine starts and runs fine except for that the one injector is now stuck open and over fuelling because it stood for 2 years.
Ask the Germans why vanos gear does not lock with the camshaft. Common sense vs sophistication. I see why people love Asian cars especially Japanese. No special timing tool required to set Asian engines timing but you'll need 100 timing tool if you are planning to fix European western car. Garbage
Those settings are the same for 111920??