It should solve the problem if it is the brake light switch related problem. It is worth to spend money to replace the switch before you spend more money to fix the major problem.
Wow! Very technical. Appreciate the drawings. In our vehicle two other lights came on. Once the switch was replaced they all went away. Very easy fix. Maybe 20 minutes and a flat tip screwdriver. 🙂
Believe it or not my 2005 ML350 Special Edition W163 Facelift Version. Has this problem, and after buying and trying to install the switch myself, it happened that I don't have the Switch above the pedal, and I even thought that this has been stolen from my card at the Shop. But thanks to this video it showed me that is just that I have a different model. Thank you because now I was able to find out the real issue. thanks.
check the brake lights at the back of the car, and the bas/esp light on the dash board warning lights area. If both, the back brake light is not working and the bas/esp warning light lighted up, replace the brake light switch. If the brake light is working and no bas/esp warning like, replace the brake pads.
14 комментариев
Does this solve the beeping noise when the E brake light comes on while driving?
It should solve the problem if it is the brake light switch related problem. It is worth to spend money to replace the switch before you spend more money to fix the major problem.
can this cause no start issue?
No, it does not cause no start issue. Just the warning light states on.
it will cause the car to go into limp mode until it's repaired. It's a "safety feature," & great way to pull ya in to the dealership.
Wow! Very technical. Appreciate the drawings. In our vehicle two other lights came on. Once the switch was replaced they all went away. Very easy fix. Maybe 20 minutes and a flat tip screwdriver. 🙂
The parking brake light of the Mercedes a 160 going on /off without pressing the pedal
thanks for fucking nothing.
Does anyone know where is the brake switch on mercedes C 200 CDI — W203 … thanks for your help
Check above the brake pedal. Normally the brake switch is mounted at the top part of the brake pedal.
Believe it or not my 2005 ML350 Special Edition W163 Facelift Version. Has this problem, and after buying and trying to install the switch myself, it happened that I don't have the Switch above the pedal, and I even thought that this has been stolen from my card at the Shop. But thanks to this video it showed me that is just that I have a different model. Thank you because now I was able to find out the real issue. thanks.
Would this work on a 2006 Mercedes Benz C280? The BRAKE light is on,on my dash display. Thanks in advance, cheers.
check the brake lights at the back of the car, and the bas/esp light on the dash board warning lights area. If both, the back brake light is not working and the bas/esp warning light lighted up, replace the brake light switch. If the brake light is working and no bas/esp warning like, replace the brake pads.