i have a acer aspire 5349-2592 laptop
intel b800
2gb ddr3 memory
250 gb hdd
windows 7 home premium , i just want to buy a mbox mini 2 and pro tools le 8, but i dont understand much english , and i would like to know if you can tell me if with my computer i used mbox and pro tools le 8 with no problem?
I'm using a shure sm27 condensed microphone with this interface and the signal is very very low if I turn up the volume all I can hear is lot of noise what am I doing wrong is the interface preamp cheap or what?
Where is "the next lesson on software component, Pro Tool" that you mention? I could not find it in the 42 videos that you all posted. Did you ever get around to making it? THANKS!!
How do you use ProTools under Risc OS? There does not seem to be ANY mention of it. Just Windows / Linux / Mac Oses. What about OSes like Risc OS (ARM Computers — Iyonix , A9, Omega, ARMini, RiscPC etc!). Risc OS is the definitive AudioPhile OS in the UK but there does not seem to be much support for it from products like these. Is there even a version of pro tools for it?
please help me friends i want to know .i have a m box mini 2 but i wanna use another program except protools ..here is my program cubase can support to run on cubase through m box
Does anyone know if you lose the Mbox for protools, and still have the program down loaded on the computer, is there another way to get another one, so i can get into my protool-files???
I'm in the same situation. I've had this software and hardware for seven years or so and I have never been able to get beyond this error message: "Unable to locate AVID hardware. Make sure your hardware is connected and turned on…."
I have an M-audio Oxygen 88 keyboard controller, an M-audio interface and a PC. Problem is how to make the connections. The M-box has one USB connector which receives power from the PC. The keyboard controller also can get it's power from a USB or an optional 9v power supply. Should I buy another USB cable to power the Controller or use a 9v power supply. The setup guide says to not use a power supply if connected to a PC. The keyboard has one midi out. It seems one way would be to use a 9v power supply for power and midi out from the keyboard to the midi in on the M-box? Would the midi info get sent to the PC via the USB? The instructions say nothing about connecting a controller to the M-box.
This is a heads up to people who are thinking about buying macs to run older devices like Mbox 2 ….. Don't bother with a mac. I got a mac that had el captan and could not get the drivers for my interface. I got Lion installed got the drivers for the interface and they installed. Then discovered Pro tools 8 LE is not compatible with Lion. This really pissed me off. I got everything on my windows 10 PC working with no issues. After all this grief I am sticking with PC'S and will never bother with a mac for my music.
36 комментариев
Very good class. Thanks alot.
i have a acer aspire 5349-2592 laptop
intel b800
2gb ddr3 memory
250 gb hdd
windows 7 home premium , i just want to buy a mbox mini 2 and pro tools le 8, but i dont understand much english , and i would like to know if you can tell me if with my computer i used mbox and pro tools le 8 with no problem?
me too!
same here. sux
I'm using a shure sm27 condensed microphone with this interface and the signal is very very low if I turn up the volume all I can hear is lot of noise what am I doing wrong is the interface preamp cheap or what?
You have to go to avid website and download the mbox 2 driver. Once its download and install, the lights will pop up and you are ready to go
How many inputs van be used at the same time?
Thanks Edmund
thanks for the info
What kind of USB cable is needed?? Please get back in touch soon! Thanks 🙂
Got one of these at a thrift shop for 25$ and the one that looks like mine on amazon is selling for 325$ score!
Where is "the next lesson on software component, Pro Tool" that you mention? I could not find it in the 42 videos that you all posted. Did you ever get around to making it? THANKS!!
Is there a way that you can use this interface with a USB cable?
How do you use ProTools under Risc OS? There does not seem to be ANY mention of it. Just Windows / Linux / Mac Oses. What about OSes like Risc OS (ARM Computers — Iyonix , A9, Omega, ARMini, RiscPC etc!). Risc OS is the definitive AudioPhile OS in the UK but there does not seem to be much support for it from products like these. Is there even a version of pro tools for it?
please help me friends i want to know .i have a m box mini 2 but i wanna use another program except protools ..here is my program cubase can support to run on cubase through m box
อยากชาบราคา MBOX-MTEX
Does anyone know if you lose the Mbox for protools, and still have the program down loaded on the computer, is there another way to get another one, so i can get into my protool-files???
i need your help been seven years still not got it installed
I'm in the same situation. I've had this software and hardware for seven years or so and I have never been able to get beyond this error message: "Unable to locate AVID hardware. Make sure your hardware is connected and turned on…."
I have an M-audio Oxygen 88 keyboard controller, an M-audio interface and a PC. Problem is how to make the connections. The M-box has one USB connector which receives power from the PC. The keyboard controller also can get it's power from a USB or an optional 9v power supply.
Should I buy another USB cable to power the Controller or use a 9v power supply. The setup guide says to not use a power supply if connected to a PC. The keyboard has one midi out.
It seems one way would be to use a 9v power supply for power and midi out from the keyboard to the midi in on the M-box?
Would the midi info get sent to the PC via the USB?
The instructions say nothing about connecting a controller to the M-box.
TRS are you sure ?
thank you, that was good
Garbage, talking about the inputs is not setting up the Mbox
i want driver mbox 2 mini
THAT IS NOT A TPS CABLE! It's a GIUTAR cable! Dah!!!!
does the software you use to edit the audio come with the M box or would I have to buy that seperately? or is it free?
what ios are you running on your mac will lion work properly with mbox 2 and pro tools 8
many thanks for this lesson i've been trying to learn this for ever. !! 🙂 🙂 🙂
Great video, but I really need to know about those three buttons. Do I press Mono and 48V if I am recording vocal?
Dis is wat I allways wanna know
mbox basic setup
I have an mbox2 .. do I need protons to use it or can I use other software???
This is a heads up to people who are thinking about buying macs to run older devices like Mbox 2 ….. Don't bother with a mac. I got a mac that had el captan and could not get the drivers for my interface. I got Lion installed got the drivers for the interface and they installed. Then discovered Pro tools 8 LE is not compatible with Lion. This really pissed me off. I got everything on my windows 10 PC working with no issues. After all this grief I am sticking with PC'S and will never bother with a mac for my music.
Qell antre Svpl ?
Hey man, so DI is for guitar, bass, etc. and Line (TRS) is for mic, keyboards, synths, drum machines, etc., right?