A bunch of friends, even more cars & an incredible road, what a day!
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Produced by Atropatesis and Seb Delanney.
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30 комментариев
The driver of the X5 was stressed out
sorry, what? you slammed who? lol
Editing is very nice, good choice to employ new camera man!!
3:05 100 lbs maximum
Id rather drive that Lotus, with that manual gear box than any of those other cars. Proper driving machine.
You have got perfect taste for the music! I really like it! Perfect video.
you found tim
Agree with you Seb, Shmee150 is a total loser.
What is this music?
Song name please?
Did anyone else notice that damaged spot on the door of the Aventador @ 6:07? Such a shame
Those drone shots were incredible
quality is nice but way to much talking, need to fuck off
The quality has become so good, Seb…keep up the good work! Also, I see you passed 150K — congratulations.
Awesome video as always Seb! Congrats
"If I went over a sweet wrapper I could tell you which brand it was" — Jeremy Clarkson, as imitated by Seb Delanney!
Peu tu parler en france
I wish I have friends that like cars :/
les gorges du Cians it's a wonderful road for this cars…. good job Seb to be continued bon sinon je suis français mon anglais n'est pas parfait trouve tes vidéos super et j'espère que tu nous en fera une en français un jour perso je suis plus motard que voiture j'ai eu l'occasion de faire toutes ces belles routes de l'arrière-pays niçois et autour de Monaco tu as bien de la chance de résider dans cette belle région perso je roule avec une Honda 1000 CBR HRC édition préparer 185 chevaux pour 178 kg et crois-moi ça envoie très fort à bientôt continue comme ça
y ou mother fuker thé speak of english
Liked it when you interrupted Archie right at the end , that was funny. Video quality is amazing now
nice video editing man, congrats! those cars and all the beautiful mountains… just amazing
This video is one of my favourites for sure! Great job!! 🙂
Great vid, the quality is on point, much like the sound of the Lotus, wow!
Seb, where did you get the intro music?
Why people are buying ferrari california???
How does this guy not have so many more subscribers than he does?
Good vid but I don't think it is a. VS
I will forever refer to Shmee as Scrooge McDuck
X5 guy was an asshole why didnt he move out of the way and let you pass ………