Necro I see you're rushing a bit and that's mostly what's getting you killed. It's kinda like battletoads and castlevania in which rushing everything and not taking the time to memorize where things are and get them spot on, is going to punish you. I guess you could say this game is a bane to early lets players on its release since it sort of causes people wanting to rush and show off what's in it.
Very well then, but in my opinion I see some rushing to get to the next checkpoint. :P. Other than that you're doing quite well at this, and it seems like you're having a blast. Keep it up.
Necro:The anger is building
Me: So are you gonna go on a full AVGN style rage rant complete with Kiko dressed up as jessica rabbit shitting on a game cartridge?
I'm considering getting this game myself. With this being a platformer that reminds me a little of Mega Man, well… I am quite decent at those games, so I figure I'd be able to handle this one. With a bit of practice, ofc. Thing is, that you need to focus. Otherwise, this game is gonna beat you, eat you, and shit you out like a pile of crap. 😛
I love the way Necro puts in those cut off points in his videos that don't turn out to be cut off points in the actual video so he just says "goodbye" and straight afterwards " "welcome back". It's one of the many charms of Necroscope86.
27 комментариев
I just noticed that in Candy land those blocks which pop up with eight directional spikes have a frowning face on the before they pop
I would love to see him do the Dead Space games.
I never thought I'd see a game in which you can get killed by Barney's testicle.
Those faces will haunt my dreams forever
Necro I see you're rushing a bit and that's mostly what's getting you killed. It's kinda like battletoads and castlevania in which rushing everything and not taking the time to memorize where things are and get them spot on, is going to punish you. I guess you could say this game is a bane to early lets players on its release since it sort of causes people wanting to rush and show off what's in it.
Very well then, but in my opinion I see some rushing to get to the next checkpoint. :P. Other than that you're doing quite well at this, and it seems like you're having a blast. Keep it up.
well take your time anyway 😛 enjoy
1:05 O.o That level looks like something one would see the world while on a bad acid trip…
i think you are not bad at platform games necro,
Hogwash: you did well with the Sonic The Hedgehog games, and Super Mario World 8-).
In my opinion they screwed it up, they CLEARLY should have had the boss get struck by lightning and die. =p
I love the fact that he's even using the same wavy hard to aim projectile attack that he does in the game though XD
I'm kinda feeling dizzy looking at the sun and the cascade at the same time as James moves horizontal
That dialogue is genius.
I would love to see him do Super Metroid but some lamers voted for dead space.
You're a lamer.
luv the soundtrack ♫
Was this a colab with the annoying orange guy? Cuz that's what all those sappy faces floating all over remind me of.
Necro:The anger is building
Me: So are you gonna go on a full AVGN style rage rant complete with Kiko dressed up as jessica rabbit shitting on a game cartridge?
I'm considering getting this game myself. With this being a platformer that reminds me a little of Mega Man, well… I am quite decent at those games, so I figure I'd be able to handle this one. With a bit of practice, ofc. Thing is, that you need to focus. Otherwise, this game is gonna beat you, eat you, and shit you out like a pile of crap. 😛
me too
necroscope86 video game you play is mad
It's like a more merciful version of I Wanna Be The Guy…
I love the way Necro puts in those cut off points in his videos that don't turn out to be cut off points in the actual video so he just says "goodbye" and straight afterwards "
"welcome back". It's one of the many charms of Necroscope86.
you can play as different charecters
man you need more practice i can pass this game without problems after practice
franken fuck took me 167 deaths and 66:23 as total time FUCK THIS SHIT MAN!!!!