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Джей, Стив (и недавно Пол) выглядят так, будто у них был взрыв, конкурирующий за самые высокие оценки RTX 2080 Ti SLI, поэтому я подумал, что присоединяюсь к веселью. К сожалению, мой разгон «приключения» не идет так, как планировалось.
Канал Джея: https://www.youtube.com/user/Jayztwocents
Канал Стива: https://www.youtube.com/user/GamersNexus
Канал Павла: https://www.youtube.com/user/paulshardware
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41 комментарий
I feel bad for you! Damn you were unlucky man… Would like to see a follow up 🙂
PS: Didn't DerBauer beat both Jay and Steve a few days back?
Seriously we would've been awesome friends… Your sense of humor is just as mine and guy you are funny funny really… Just love your videos.. Bring back Lyle man pls…
Power supply?
Some days you're the windshield, some days you're the bug.
Don't let it get you down, good video! 🙂
Yes, sounds like a power issue. Please revisit this with a new PSU!
I would suspect Jay. He will do anything to get the highest score.
The ending made watching the video well worth it!
Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how'd you like the play?
Your CPU acts like my 2nd 2080ti did for the first 3 days I had it :/
Check your power supply. You need lots of power.
This is a stupid battle. It's like who the popular NERD in high school.
But us NERDS were never popular in high school.
Fan sounded like my PC rig which is not overclocked. GTX750ti, AMD FX4600 CPU and DDR3 2300Mhz with PSU EVGA 430.
I think he needs to a psu that has more watts and i think evga made a 2200 watt psu so maybe kyle can try that
Best part of video 12:55 !
thumbs up for the crying at the end
Had a similar day, wantet to set up an old laptop, first would install windows (xp, 7, 10) didnt work redid my usb stick, dindt work, now im sitting here with my main pc not booting
6:45 great linus impression
Also Linus from Canadeh took part!
Lol you crack me up man I love your videos p.s. you,jay, and Paul have inspired me to build my first computer took me 4 months to build it but it's done $3,800 is what I put into it.
Lol i love your vids man! Even though they turn out a disaster in the end.
Hell that's why we watch linus tech tips half the time anyways.
You don't jump into the foray. You jump into the fray. Or you foray into the fray.
…and so it goes… Will this lead to a Anthony and Cleopatra “event” in the Bitwit family? …only time and Shakespeare (if he was still alive) will know…
Dust off them shoulders and try again man!
You took advice from Lyle. Lyle bad advice.
why is your radiator inside the water ??? 😀
he advert was so good kyle, staying silent xD
thats no battle at all :p
I think part 2 should be "Lyle" doing a review of your video pointing out the mistakes that led to the failures in this video then showing things working properly with a better score. This would leave the possibility for a part 3 where you review "Lyle" and get an even better score. You can battle yourself!
Keep up the great content Kyle!
If at first you don't succeed, suck something else. 😉
kyle i pray for u from IRAN and u pray for me tnx
the ending was funny 😀
Your little sock buddy to the left of you looks like hes mocking you… Maybe he did something…
Wah wah wah
12:50 #RIP
U should let your twin brother try to OC
Im wondering why someone would overclock a computer? Sounds like super smart dumb thing.
@10:30 So, uh…. what absolutely terrible motherboard was that again?
Best ad ever!!!!