Other Seb’s: @sebkristensen
Francesco’s: @mrcarsandcoffee
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Directed, Filmed & Edited by Seb Delanney.
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26 комментариев
Are you two getting married or just having sex?
I'd take the stinger over the Ferrari,Ferraris are so over rated now and everywere
It sad what crack can do to a person…
buy a kia stinger gts as your daliy driver
Looks like you forgot your own clothes so wore your grandads
However great video and can’t wait to see you with the boys
Salut seb tu peux faire des vidéo en Français SLT je comprend rien donc je ne peux pas regarder tes super vidéo
I left the uk when i was 20 for a sunnier more exotic life and its been good to me but i really enjoy going back to england in the Summer .i miss the english sense of humor to and thats why i watch the uk ytubers.i dont think id move back but each to there own .
SO happy you are moving to UK!! Sure we can hook up when you in London…all VERY best Seb! You will be most welcome…..
Seb , i live in sydney Australia . An just seen video on Supercar Advocates channel. One of your friends collab with him.
Not sure if you know about or not. I left msg in comments Seb next. Cheers.
Why have you separated from the other car utubers you used to do videos with.
Where in London are you going to work?
welcome too my city buddy!
London is the capital of the world. So many supercars. Remember to visit outside London. So much going on, in places like Silverstone or Goodwood.
Sounds like a Trust fund baby and I know more than a couple of them…
Met you at Goodwood FOS last year in the McLaren VIP Hospitality. We had a good chat at the end of the day and you looked absolutely shattered. Keep the videos coming, by advice is to find your niche. It seems Shmee is going for the 20-30min videos car reviews with detailed facts and figures. STG & SOL are vloging their adventures. TGE, Archie are putting out videos more videos together as a double act. What will be your niche? Or will you team up with the others? What car meets will you be doing this year in the UK? Looking forward to Top Marques next month.
You know you’re doing well when you have lots of trolls on your channel. Keep getting them triggered Seb.
We just love your videos. The cars, the sound, the music, the places. You are living the supercar lifestyle, and this is motivating! Me and my brother just started a YouTube channel, give us some love please 🙂
please seb buy me fiat seicento! is very very chep car
Hey Seb, For finance talk to Magnitude Finance in the UK, they've sorted me out. As for the 458, any sold from 2013 onward have a seven year Ferrari warranty, so even an early 2013 car would have another two years of warranty. Finally, they're depreciating really slowly because of N/A engine and the fact the 488 is holding it's value as well. Definitely worth taking a second look at.
Only one reason to leave Monaco and head to London… it's a money based decision, and probably a smart one.
Monaco is for people who have already made their millions or billions, London is for making millions.
No mention of his girlfriend.
Nice car, ugly wrap
Think I just seen you on the road I like the plate
You always have fun videos. I love your channel. Put more videos, please.
Moving to London will lose your USP