История церкви от Вознесения Иисуса Христа до 2017 года.
Дальнейшее чтение:
История церкви Филиппа Шаффа: https://www.ccel.org/ccel/schaff/hcc1.html
История Первобытной Церкви: https://archive.org/details/TheHistoryOfThePrimitiveChurchComplete
Церковная история Евсевия: http://www.newadvent.org/fathers/2501.htm
История церкви Созомена: http://www.newadvent.org/fathers/2602.htm
История церкви Сократа Схоластика: http://www.newadvent.org/fathers/2601.htm
Первичные источники: http://www.newadvent.org/fathers/ http://www.earlychurchtexts.com/
Отец Адриан Фортескью: http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/book/lookupname?key=Fortescue%2C%20Adrian%2C%201874-1923
История соборов епископа Хефеле
1. Бейрут находится в Ливане, а не в Сирии.
2. Во времена Римской империи Великобритания была бы известна как Британия, а не Англия. Название «Англия» впервые использовалось в средние века, имея в виду племя германских англов, которое заселило остров после падения Римской империи.
3. Богоматерь Гуадалупская — единственное Марианское явление в Америке, которое было одобрено Святейшим Престолом. Другие явления Марии в Северной и Южной Америке были одобрены местными ординарами, включая «Богоматерь добрых успехов» в Эквадоре (1572 г.), «Богоматерь доброй помощи» в Висконсине (1859 г.), «Богоматерь Куапы» в Никарагуа (1980 г.), в Венесуэле (1984 г.). ) и Божией Матери Розария Сан-Николас в Аргентине (1980-е годы).
4. В 2:06:35 правильное написание — «Хью О'Флаэрти», а не «О'Флаттери»
48 комментариев
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In the Biblical upper room account, the 11 apostles and all the other women are listed before Mary's name is even mentioned. Mary did not even give a prayer, and after The Day of Pentecost, Mary disappeared from Scripture. Yet this video places her as the central character in the upper room.
God bless!
This should be called the great apostasy
Papa bless
This is not a history… this is fairy tales
I have been to Protestant sunday service and Catholic sunday mass. I noticed that protestants like to insult or mock Catholics but Catholics pray for protestants. I cannot see their hearts but it makes me think that maybe the protestant pastors or churches do this so to make more money by misleading their followers to stay with them. Comments anyone.
I can’t imagine the amount of research that went into this one. Thank you!
Any secular historian will tell you: the Catholic Church is less than a thousand years old (1054).
Religion has little to do with PRIME CREATOR and son SANANDER,,,after all it only resides on the earths surface,,it is not reconised in the rest of the UNIVERSE,,,the code of the universe,,,FREE WILL and THE RESPECT OF LIFE,,,best wishes.
Is this real history??
I will say it was captivating just not historically accurate
This is more of a history of the Catholic Church
The catholic organism has murdered millions of Christ followers long before there ever was a "protestant reformation", long before. all lie's are of the devil, remember that.
19 seconds into the vid and narrator states “Jesus Christ descends into heaven”…. ASCENDS
I love my catholic church. One holy catholic church. May the almighty God bless all the Catholics in the world.
Calvinists of today teach faith only or grace only for salvation. It looks like they get their teaching from Simon Magnus.
The Church was born when the Holy Spirit descended and GAVE BIRTH to the Church. The Church is NOT the people but the Spirit within Her, the Bride of Christ. Pregnant is the Bride of Christ, ALWAYS. BRINGING FORTH LIFE, Spiritual!!! Always. Or it is a dead faith! No life!! Death is life, it leads to greater spiritual life. Romans 8:5-8!
For those called, i am Mark Condra on twitter, https://twitter.com/EyeKnowMoore, and on facebook, https://www.facebook.com/mark.condra. Dark days are to come. Martyrdom will be regular in the USA to come! The deceiver, the worm, will be GIVEN great authority by the authority and members of His Bride. When one is not a true lover of Christ, His follower, one is the bride of the lie. Evil done by them is then GIVEN to the snake to bring some back to Love, Himself. 1 Corinthians 5:5!
The problems in the Church were caused by the people in the Church not living in it in Christ. Why do you THINK that you are holy? Contemplate Luke 13:24. Those "trying" are all Christian. You can NOT try if not this simple fact (those not Christian are obviously not trying). Many that "try" do not make Heaven. The opposite of "many" is the "few". So the "few" that 'try" make it. Which side of the coin are you? Our Lord is the ONLY Judge of the heart and the worm, satan, is the deceiver. When one is deceived they do NOT know that they are deceived, or the definition of deceived. So WHY do you think that you are holy in any way. Did God tell you or of some human estate?
Peace is NOT tranquility of the body and mind, but only the heart and soul. Peace is living in Christ Crucified, in the greatest of storms of life. Heaven is where peace is REALIZED only!!!
Go back to your bibles, people. The "church" got fouled up in 325 AD at Nicea—accepting Roman paganism as your own. You can't find biblical authority for MOST of what both Catholicism and Protestants are about. A sun-worshiping pagan directed the events and power-hungry bishops from less than 25 percent of the assemblies bought into it. He got a united empire, and they got a "state" church. Look it up.
Here's a question for you to answer: If the "new testament" (of which there wasn't one yet) churches were meeting on Sundays hundreds of years post-resurrection, why did the Emperor Constantine have to issue an imperial edict to stop them from doing so?
i thought it is going to be a real story.
No joke I know Protestants that believe their church was the first smh
The irish church continue to abuse and the irish government stands aside and lets it happen.
Ok…this is false information thus far but I’m done after the 5:26 Mark. The earliest known writings of the so called gospel was in Alexandria Egypt. Written in papyrus. There were already priest and bishops there. Alexander the cake and ptolemy Caucasian pharaohs had their hand in religion 350bce. You just skipped over North Africa as if Africa wasn’t the main hub of this Christianity religion. It’s evidence to support what I say. I leave no reference. I’m black so look up the Caucasian biblical scholars on the origin of Christianity. It all leads to Africa. The most spiritual ppl in the world. Even yo boy iesous went to Egypt. Twice!! This narrator is being deceptive
More history for the goyim, must watch for catholics watch?v=EwjTm4ncWnY
Blessed are you when men revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. 12 Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so men persecuted the prophets who were before you.
Difficult to understand the British accent.
Generally speaking people are such hateful wretched creatures. I know that we are commanded to love one another, to love our neighbor as our brother, but this is a huge struggle for me. I dont understand how I can ever see humanity the way Jesus does. Maybe my heart is hard, but for the most part people are vermin.
That being said, Protestantism is quite obviously the work of the devil — perhaps his greatest. Luther meant well granted, but he never advocated separation from the Church and by the time of his death was horrified by where things were going. As for the others…Calvin, Knox, etc — these men are the greatest servants the devil has ever had. Wittingly or not.
In the first minute a lie already in this documentary. Acts 2:38 read it! You baptise in Jesus name, because Jesus is all 3. The Trinity is a false teaching. God was spirit before he wrapped himself in flesh to save us. Jesus is God in the flesh. Who is the name of the Father? Who is the name of the Son? Who is the name of the Holy Spirit? Jesus is all 3. In the name of who? Jesus! The book of Acts is how to get saved. The books after is how to stay saved. Catholicism is not Christianity. I am glad for the Catholic church for 1 reason. Without the crusades and the knight Templars, then Europe would be Muslim. The Crusades were mostly defensive. It took 7 centuries for Spain to kick out Islam. The real Holy Bible came from Turkey and was translated from Greek to English. The King James version went back to the original text, and was translated as close as they could get. The Catholic Bible came from Egypt and was translated from Latin to English. It has added books and some text are changed I believe. The King James Version is standard and don't except anything else. It is a good documentary on the Catholic church. There is a billion Catholics. I hope they find real truth and real Christianity. Repent, baptise in Jesus name, and filled with the Holy Spirit is the only way to Salvation. Only Jesus can forgive sin. You pray only to Jesus.
John: Little Children Love one another
Christian now days are ignorant about truth
Catholicism is the synagogue of Satan
Please Don’t allow the Jesuits adulterated version of history fool you. How many millions of people have been killed, maimed, and deprived by the Roman Catholic Church. Does the Bible forbid a bishop from marrying? Almost every catholic priest or bishop is a child molester. They will reap what they have sewn. Maranatha! Jesus Come
Amazing vedio.must watch for everybody
learn to forgive them for they don't know what they are saying, Jesus said.
The Catholic Church was not the first church. There was 300 years of Biblical Christianity before Rome's influence on the church. Visit the following website to learn the true history of Christianity taken from Scripture. God was kind enough to lay out history in advance so people like you and I could refer to it. https://www.romancatholicism.com/history-of-the-church
I am a Methodist Christian. I know that a lot of Protestants don’t like the Catholic Church. It’s mainly because of the current authority. I have nothing against the catholic church’s theology. We all believe in the same God, The Trinity, Son of God, etc. I believe there truly is a universal church. (With the exception of non Trinitarians). I have found a love in church history (Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant). I do wish the Protestant churches taught more church history.
I am sorry to talk disparagingly against this video, however, it is not accurate and jumps from the apostles directly to a pope. I find this to be highly catholic biased and completely untrue. Yes there was and is a catholic church, but is formed out of ancient pagan romanism (research Constantine) and has no honest derivation from apostolic christianity. Virtually all of catholicism is derived from paganism. Protestants come from the word proteste' which means "for the TRUTH" and in search of truth. The bible strictly forbids praying to and for the dead as they "know not anything". That is spiritualism and you end up involving with masquerading demons acting in the place of a disembodied loved one. The dead are asleep and waiting for the return of JESUS CHRIST to be resurrected. Mary died and therefore is of no use to the living. All the dead saints are in fact dead and not in heaven. No one has ascended into heaven save CHRIST JESUS and enoch, elijah, and moses. Read your bibles and know the TRUTH and the TRUTH will set you free from the deceptions and illusions and slavery of and to satan. There is a book which may help and better tells the true history of the christians from 33AD to now. If you dare to read it, it is titled, "The Great Controversy" or "The Great Controversy Between Christ and Satan."
By stating the resurrection as fact you lose all credibility
Ancient Turkey played a very importended role in early Christianity,in the Middle-ages and still playes a very importened role becouse the Eugumanical Orthodoxs Church Patriarchate,Capital is still in Istanbul Turkey.
I like how all the major videos on Christianity turns to fight between Catholics and Protestants and every once awhile Orthodox
Where do you get all of this, have any references, outside the bible off course.
In listening to the highly informative and accurate presentation, it escapes me how a person remains catholic with all due respect. The scenario seems to be that there was an insoluble question on what to do with Jesus while trying to maintain the appearance of monotheism. More sensible people posited a hierarchy with the father at the top and let the theological chips fall where they may. Eventually however the day was won by a group who tried to have their cake and eat it too by devising a self contradictory formula that defies logic “fully G-d and full man” and then imposing the illogic by force — likely because it could not stand on its own. Today the view that has survived by force is said to be a “mystery” thus conceding that it is inexplicable and irrational so it must be accepted by “faith”. Why can we not just admit our predicament, perhaps go back to the drawing board and come up with a better solution on handling Jesus? This may go a long way in engaging Jews and Muslims in productive discussion about Jesus.
where is Felix Manalo came?
The pagan roman religion is not the Faith of the messiah.
True Christians worship God in a Church With one steeple NOT a two tower cathedral known as catholics. True followers of Jesus habe no head of the Church but Jesus.
I hope all the Protestants see this video! This can make Christian unity possible. I love this video. We need to spread this Good news!!
While narrated rather well, and while also delivering some salient facts, this is certainly not the a complete documentary of Church history, but rather a fairly comprehensive history of Church controversy. See, Church history is rather boring, as the producers of this work will themselves know. A bore in comparison to these intrigues and scandals spoken of here. In truth, it is what is not being said that is the true Church history. For instance how was Arianism exposed? Why it was the Bible itself. The Holy Scriptures, which is the one thing this COMPLETE history seems to leave out. The scriptures spread around the world, and wherever the scriptures went the faith grew. This video makes it seem that heresies accounted for the lion-share of Christians. While de-ephisising where the Nicene Creed came from, and how in the absence of the Bible this rather flawed, yet substantially authentic Christian document defended the Church from any number of surreptitious and Antichrist doctrines.That said the most interesting point in the documentary is the knowledge that in the east, heresies where accepted as far afield as China and India but not the Church itself. We see the gospel and its counterfeits spreading the world over as early as 300 AD. Still what is lacking here is glaring. What about the men and women who passed on the holy scriptures and kept the true faith alive? What about their praise and worship, their prayer life and fasting. This said we should note how terribly difficult it must have been to tell truth from error, in such an biblically illiterate age. All in all well done. But certainly not authoritative, nor complete.
Catholics were the schismatics-not the orthodox
*White church history…