To kick my next daily hunt off…Porsche Colchester invited me to drive their Carrera 2s! What a machine! Arguably the best daily sports car out now…So I used it to set the bar!
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20 комментариев
Good video but sure would be good to use the correct pronunciation of "PORSCHE"!
There is no such thing as a Porsch. Learn to pronounce it properly.
I drive a base 991.2 manual as a daily.
My weekend car is a Ghost
That is not a 16.
That's a 17 in lava Orange
he's absolutely correct when he states that a lot of people don't get the Porsche bug until they've driven one or ridden in one. it's not something you'll understand from watching YouTube all day or looking at numbers.
the gt s doesn't have cruise control? really?
It cracks me up when people call it a sports car and not a supercar. The only reason I can think they do that is that it's not "mid-engine", they don't quite break 200mph (which is easily remedied), and that unlike every one else they don't over charge. But I tell you one things for certain I consider them supercars and the 2017 Porsche 911 Carrera S is not only a supercar it's one of the best ever made. It's the perfect balance of performance (450HP, 7 speed manual, ceramic disc brakes, 20mm lowered sport suspension, torque vectoring, rear wheel steering), reliability, and daily driveability (and relatively affordable to fix if something breaks)…and all for $152,440. Half that of the Lamborghini Huracan and they will run neck & neck all day. But the Carrera S is more fun.
It's Por- sha not PORSCHE.
get a base cayman dude, or a TTS, or a v8 mustang… what is your price range? a base 981 from 2013 have now dropped to low 40's and high 30's…., maybe a 987.2 with 320 hp. , the base 718 is pretty decent deal i'm seeing some used for 68K…
The daily drivers at Porsche are the models without the S. U have no balls to drive out the half of the capabilities of the basic model, anyway.
Interrupting elite chat (Porsche, Ferrari, Maserati…). Still havent found replacement for my old 99 Ford Cougar. 1) Good cruiser. 2) Daily usable. 3) 4 seats (back seats lowerable). 4) Trunk with enough space for 2 holiday bags packed with stuff for 10 days. 5) Looks, sounds and drives sporty (coupe that sticks on road and gives adrenaline feeling while driving). 6) Has sunroof. 7) Reliable (Cougar needed to change alternator in 2015 since 1999) . 8) Budget 7k EUR. 9) At least 120kW.
If someone can recommend me another jewel like Cougar I would be very happy.
I hate spoiled people " I hate my Audi" like wtf I drive a 2002 Honda that is breaking down
Anybody know what that watch called that he's wearing? Looks beautiful
what watch are you wearing in this video?
im suprised no one in the comments brought up the "Porsche or Porsháááááá" bs.
What brand & model watch is that?
I'm thinking about getting a 911 gt3 and drive that thing everyday.
At the 6:00 minute mark there's an old lady staring you down because you're driving slow in the left lane and yapping to the camera.
Nice car.