New tribute to Internet Club
0:00 — Thermoregulator
4:14 — Genesis Logic
Music: Internet Club — Thermoregulator / Genesis Logic
(from 2020 album EXPLORE 2)
Video: Audi Power on the beach… Quattro Fun- by Audi Power (2018)
Термостат BHT-002 GB LW wi-fi в Home Assistant by DWproduction (2019)
SciFi Template for After Effects GALACTIC by Made by Loop (2020)
Montage: Patryk Ludamage (C 2021) [PATRYK FILMS]
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11 комментариев
Incredible techy vid ^^
Yo, I was wondering if you were gonna do this! Beautiful as always, my dude
MultiDimensional MultiMedia Ritual
Невероятен сам факт того, что в 2020 IC продолжает что-то релизить (хотя таки заявлял, что проект уже стал историей). Как будто вернулся на 10 лет назад. Привет, "Ностальгия по 2010-м".
Hi from facebook, great video, vaporwave is ALIVE!
Yeah Audis are pretty cool.
I found this channel once again! Glad to see you're still making awesome music videos!
Hi buddy¡¡ you have done a great job harmonizing the video with the music, I cooperate with you with my like 29
بتوفيق يارب العالمين نجاح،
genius work!