Masina are 232.000 km, cu joc mare la lanturile de distributie si a fost schimbat tot kit-ul de lant distributie.
Este recomandat schimbarea lantului de distributie la motoarele M57 imediat ce trec de 200.000km. Astfel evitati distrugerea motorului in caz de se rupe lantul!
Costurile pentru inlocuirea distributiei cu piese originale BMW si manopera este de 3000ron. Lucrarea se face de catre un service specializat BMW cu garantie. Acest service lucreaza doar marca BMW.
The car has 232,000 km, great game to distribution chains and changed the whole distribution chain kit.
It is recommended to change the timing chain once M57 engines pass 200.000km. So avoid engine damage in case of break the chain!
The cost to replace the cast with BMW original parts and labor is 3000ron. The work is done by a specialist BMW warranty. This service works only BMW
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La cati km se schimba lantul de distributie stie cineva??