The 3 Rotor RX-7 is known for being a dangerous car. But even that has limits. We were filming a video on replacing the carpet when we found horrible rust hidden near the driver seat mounts.
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42 комментария
Ernie T says your game is weak and you can't even keep a 3 rotor running right.
LOL, so sad clickbait.
look at that chunk of thing….
All I can imagine is rob hitting the NOS button and than a “danger to the manifold” message showing up on his radio and his rusted out floor pans just blowing out of the car. Haha
All rx7's suffer about that, bad treaten metal from the factory, every rx7 owners have to put his hand on MIG before or later D :
Better go get a tetanus shot and just part it out. I will email you a bunch of stuff I need for my FD. 😉
oh great, another problem after one that isnt even addressed
PB blaster? lol
This is really one of the least dangerous things about this car, Rob.
Damn thats a lot of trash underneath that seat.
Not bashing but a drill with a wire brush attachment is the worst way you can clean that rust. A small angle grinder with a wire wheel works magic on that and will take only minutes to do the whole area and have it down to shiny bare metal, the drill should only be used for touch up
My god I could imagine whats under the skin of my 86 fuck it’s a 30+ year old Hawaii car seen so much rain !
I see welding in your future
Sand blasting too
Jesus rob just gut the thing already and do things proper
Rob get some dry ice to get the sound dampening out.
If my shop had as many spiders as his did/does. I wouldn't touch anything in there ever again
We need parts manufacturers to have some sort of integrity IMO. A hige portion of the community WILL ALWAYS give zero shits about intellectual property or the ideas being stolen, as long as it ensures them parts for cheap. that's how a lot of these foreign markets operate and its unfortunate
"I never drove it in the weather" = crashed it on the highway in the rain.
Rust Xtreme 7
My friend, for someone who supposedly love the car like you said, i have to say, you're a pig. How come the car has that much of junk and trash inside? You don't really love the car, in fact you shouldn't even own the car at all. Thumbs down on the video.
Rob, you need to get a new RX-7 Chassis and move your engine into that.
2:45 epic foreshadowing…
Fluid film!!!!
When your Wankel gets going too fast then can activate the Flintstone brakes.
Mazda is so famous
About its rust !!
Skip to 16:23
Stop whining ,my daily is 37% rust
Hey probably its a quick release seat!
16:15 ahhhh thats not toooo bad , my 83 alfa GTV 6 has rust holes where you can put your arm through
doing the same thing to my mk1 mx5, best to just find a scrap rx7 cut out flooerpan and then weld it in. your floorpan is too far gone with sheet metal not being appropriate for this use as it would need to be beadrolled for more integrity and strength.
at this point it would be easier to spend some extra time in the office, make more money and just buy a better non-piece-a-shit RX-7.
Meh, doesn't look too bad. Up in the good ole salt belt, my 1996 Jeep Cherokee is missing probably 50% of my floor. Better MPG tho
15:53 weight reduction Bro ;)))
mazdas notorious for rust
Hello new floor pans
Biodegradable car
When I saw the thumbnail I thought it was a Ghostship video. Sweet baby Jesus that was a death trap
Flood car
Your going to want to remove ALL that sound deadener Rob. I got an 87 mustang in the same position as yours. When I chipped away the sound deadener I found even more rust hiding underneath. A big flathead and a hammer should do the trick. If you want to get it off faster, get a can of air, shake it, turn it upside down and spray the deadener. It’ll freeze it and it will come off much easier
Nothing flex tape and seal can’t fix.