Huge thanks to BMW Amsterdam for the warm welcome and loaner!
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Directed, Filmed & Edited by Seb Delanney.
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30 комментариев
That music is waaaay over used
Dommage qui il y'a pas les sous-titres en français :/
Seb Kristensen, you are a right whiny little f*@ker!!
Cool Seb… Uncle Tinman here.
You could get a Alpine A110 Premier press car, paint it black with gold trim, add gold coloured wheels, add a discrete rear wing, and of course you will get a straight pipe.
The Alpine A110 looks a bit plain but you're talented in making a car look good.
Plus, the Alpine has a better suspension than the Porsche.
'That's cool', which is kind of cool' and 'this is cool too'. Hilarious 1990's verbal diarrhea.
love your videos.
Seb, you need someone who knows how to shoot and edit beautifully as MrJWW does. You need to surround yourself with interesting people and with parallel intresses such as Donze93. This new project of yours is a disaster. Someone who has shown talent in the past, it's a shame, we see you sink, from episode to episode.
Fake rolex?
What are you carrying that other seb for??
You always have fun videos. I love your channel. Put more videos, please.
I see that gt3rs many times mrstreetgasm lives a village next to mines
give up youtube mate your content is beyond dreadful
why so much hate? nice video!
Your so desperate I’m embarrassed for you.
My advice to you is stop embarrassing yourself and give up being the laughing stock of the you tube car scene.
Enjoy your parents trust fund & realise you tube just didn’t work out. Life.
Why do you isolate yourself from the other car utube guys?
Amsterdam BMW dik dik
It's sad what crack can do to a person….
this channel is so boring
Loool how old are you, sounds like your balls recently dropped
Give up your dead, you should never have taken a break
Reving my #banana lotus at 5:24 😀 . It was nice to see you again seb! Let us know when you're doing another casual trip to Amsterdam!
Hi! Deja Vu! Was this vid recorded the 27th or 30th??? I was driving past in my truck (or lorry) at the excact moment you guys were revving!
his is why subscribed
Sebs starting to look like Dexter Fletcher
wtf seb? wtf!!!!!!!!!!!! you have all the means and yet you keep on ruining your channel
What even is this?
Seb ur video have changed majorly . Realy jumpy. Need find some big content.
Why does Seb get so much hate on all of his videos ? His content is entertaining and definitely worth watching. How many of you randomly get to drive a BMW i8 straight from a dealership? Probably none of you whereas Seb is lucky enough to get that opportunity and share his experience with us