A little bit of footage of Hurrican Harvey from our neighborhood. I’ll have some more footage in the next day or so.
Mascara to Midnight
Beauty, skin care, hair and babies. Join me for the chaos that is my life, as we talk about all things beauty for the mature woman.
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34 комментария
I'm so glad you're ok and I've been praying for you! I see all of this on tv and have been worried about you and your family. The weird thing is that you're getting all our Oregon rain and its 105 here right now! Our weather is all screwed up since we should be getting the rain and you guys should get the heat. As a matter of fact, we've only had 1 day of rain in the last 73 days so something is really messed up.
Stay safe and dry!
Wow! Stay safe. Praying for all of you there in Texas.
Glad you and your family are safe!
This really makes it hard to see! So glad you are safe. It's just devastating!
thanks for sharing and let us know. so sad that this is happening. i can easily see why they evacuated the senior complex for safeties sake. my heart goes out to all of the people who are struggling. a few years ago (pre-drought) we had flooding due to necessary dam releases, a lot of people were evacuated in our community. we are, hopefully, post drought now. take care! ~k
its great that you are safe. its nice of you to consider the privacy of others and not showing the tags. stay safe.
Stay safe!!
Stay safe!! I sure hope the hurricane and rain are gone soon
Stay safe! Prayers send!
TFS. Glad your safe. Praying for all in TX.
I'm so glad you are safe girlfriend!
good grief stay safe!
So glad you are not flooded!
B safe
So scary. Been seeing so much on the news. So glad you guys are ok.
Stay safe!!!
Cool stay dry
Glad you guys are ok!
Glad you are OK.
Glad you are OK!
Glad your ok, take care xx
Wow…hats off to your neighborhood planner. Glad you are okay
Looks just like my street in Sugar Land. So glad this storm is finally moving out!
Glad the storm is moving on, my family is on the Gulf coast.
I hope your neighborhood stays safe
So glad things aren't too bad for you.
That is super crazy. We had spots like that when Hurricane Matthew came through. Glad you are ok.
Glad you are ok. But the stories and footage of other parts are so devastated and hurts my heart =( I hope you are still safe.
I am glad you are safe. When we have hurricanes in my town here in Vermont it can get pretty bad. I am lucky to live up on a hill so I will not get flooded but last time many of my friends had to stay with me for a while.
you live in a really nice neijbourhood .. also im glad youre safe.
You're very lucky. This is how we were during the Louisiana floods last year. The back of our neighborhood was built up as well.
Glad you are all safe. My neighborhood is torn up cause we are near the bayou ☹️I am so heartbroken to see all the homes devastated. God bless
Glad that your neighborhood wasn't flooded to bad! I have friends that live in the Westlake, LA area; the Orange, TX area, and the Houston, TX area and they were devastated.
What your from Houston!!!Me too . I Live in Cypress.