Do you live in Cali 😀 lmao i would rather send my golf to you then to an upholstery shop to do it for 500$ 🙁 This video is really helpful cause currently my Golf Headliner is the exact way it was in the first episode, its just so expensive to fix but with this video, it really helps alot 🙂 Thank You
Hello, could you give a little more detail on what you did with the excess trim around the perimiter of the headliner? Did you cut the material flush? Or did you fold it up over the edge onto the top a little and glue it down? thanks!
8 комментариев
Do you live in Cali 😀 lmao i would rather send my golf to you then to an upholstery shop to do it for 500$ 🙁 This video is really helpful cause currently my Golf Headliner is the exact way it was in the first episode, its just so expensive to fix but with this video, it really helps alot 🙂 Thank You
Are you sure it wasnt contact adhesive? The one you spray on the base AND the fabric, let it dry for a bit and then lay the fabric on?
Nice video bro. Are u planing to do a utube live stream any time soon?
Is that fleece you guys used? Where's the best place I can that to purchase
Team work i bet she tackled those pillars and made them nice
Hello, could you give a little more detail on what you did with the excess trim around the perimiter of the headliner? Did you cut the material flush? Or did you fold it up over the edge onto the top a little and glue it down? thanks!
Just realised you have a DIY mk4 golf trailer
What a waste.
Where is there a good place to get materials for my car