Many modern cars come with a tyre repair kit instead of a spare wheel. This step-by-step Which? guide to using a tyre repair kit will help you repair a puncture and get back on the road quickly and safely.
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10 комментариев
A spare tire is much better, I cant believe the car companies are getting this cheap
In some cases it is justified (the space is often used to give you more storage or folding seats) but we generally agree and have been calling for manufacturers to, at least, offer you the option of a spare wheel when you buy the car for quite some time.
fine if small hole and not on tyre wall otherwise you better have your phone handy and then you have to buy another kit can't be used again give me a spare wheel anytime probably the replacement kit will cost as much as a a spare would anyway
In England a tyre is a tyre, not a tire like in USA
You don't need to replace the tyre, that is rubbish. If the sealant works it's a small puncture, remove the object and insert a plug. Trim flush and good as new. Use the tyre as normal afterward.
Spare wheel >> This shitty spray
"If your car has one" Throw it away and replace your car with one which has a full size spare wheel or at least space for one. I would never drive a car without a full size spare wheel now. I had a Cupra sport once and that had some stupid space saver which was a bad enough but spray cans are even worse. Believe me you never know when you will have a puncture or a blow out. The former I have had a few but one was Christmas Eve 160 miles away and so glad I had a spare wheel then otherwise it could have ruined Christmas. I have also had a blow out and that can would not have resolved that problem. Drive safe get a spare wheel as the emergency services are becoming like the NHS A&E very long waiting times.
Good video
This is so bad why should people have to phone a breakdown company for just a tyre changing cheap shitty companies just just include replacement tyre and jack
Vw has spare tyres