In 14 steps. Reduce your need for money, instead of trying to make more money! Do more things yourself! The whole operation took about 1 hour (but I was also filming).
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48 комментариев
Really chill and educational video! Thanks to you i have a new hobby, repairing old cars! I buy them extremely cheap and repair them with my brother and sell them for lots of profit. People throw their old broken cars so fast's sad.
I loved my 84 Vanagon Transporter 4 spd manual that I converted into a Weekender with a Westphalia parts van. The 1.9 liter motor was the best damn water cooled motor VW made for the Vanagons. I had a couple 87's and an 89 and I had nothing but head gasket problems with the 2.2 liters in those. I had it painted like the old German Empire flag, following the body lines of the van of course. Fellow white "radicals" have the same tastes in vehicles as well lol! Great video brother!
Never go working under your vehicle without securing it with proper jack stands.
It is always the first time when it hard. Next time it will be easier 🙂 if you find similar case.
why do you swear in Russian?
blanke og fine bremseskiver Varg 🙂
You should write a book Varg about all the mechanics tutorials.
You should SERIOUSLY consider digging a hole (and maybe roughly stonewalling it) you can stand in so repairs from the underside are easier. (Don't forget a ladder so you can climb up again).
I get that all this is improvised (seeing how you lifted the car with the dirt as the lifters base), but come on man, this is stuff you could easily do yourself for no money at all. Just find some stones nearby and use them, lay them around two stripes for the car to stand on and wall the hole, the digging is the most consuming task (Also I really do hope you have a trailer, that is pretty much necessary in a self-sustained life and it really pays off).
I try to give back by leaving a like and a comment but somehow it feels like "feeding the beast" but thank you sire! Hail thee. 🙂
good stuff ,if only you did videos for vw t4 maintenance also.
I had to do the same with my 1988 VW Polo Classic. It was my father's first car and he gave it to me when I get the license when I was 18, and tomorrow I will be 25. I have changed distributor, brakes… All by myself. A true "Thug Life" car.
340.000 km and still running. Very proud.
Hear all the birds.
What do you think about lada niva on LPG ?
Varg, what do you think about Serbia and Serbs?
What if I'm white but I think asian women are really attractive?
Would'nt it be a good idea to wear some kind of eye protection when working under a car? Been there done that and i didnt like it so now i wear a cheap pair of protective glasses.
Did Varg serve in the Army at any point of his life?
Did you use a jack stand under the car? The kind of jack that you used in the video is not meant to support the weight of the car for prolonged periods of time, it can easily give out (I've witnessed such an event). Stay safe brother.
Just to make my point clear about civilization: Even if we ran out of oil tomorrow your solar panels will still work. You can't make more solar panels but you can recicle what you have and also produce things in a small scale without using any oil and without being dependant on heavy industry. Civilization will collapse because that recycle/reuse/repair mentality is not enough to maintain it, far from it, not least because most people don't even have that mentality or are too dumb to apply it. But we still won't go back to the stone age in a short period of time. That's what I think.
Hi Varg. Can you please make a video on how to do a Sd.Kfz. 250 mod on that vehicle?
that car lift is sensational… what a great piece of engineering
Varg, my snow nigga……please put jackstands, blocks or something under the vehicle in case that jack fails. Also, use a wider block under the jack instead of that little one.
Good polish dialect;)
very good video..!!!
Did you crawl under the car with just the mechanical jack holding it up? That is a rather brave thing to do… To calm the nerves of your fans, next time please put a nice fat tree stump under the bus next to the jack. 😀
I would be very honored to have you pass judgement my new graphic novel, Varg.
If you had attatched the new cable to the old one (via some duct tape ) you could have pulled it through, saving you to have to dismantle the spare tyre and front parts. Then again, you would not have cleaned the " Reserveradmulde". Ordnung muss halt sein!
Or I could just watch scotty kilmer.
Real M E T A L
Your brake discs are worn ; )
''Suka and kurwa''.Most important russian and polish words:)
Varg, next time use a log or 2 wheels to prop the car next to the jack before lying under the car. Never trust your life to a jack, always use a back-up in case the jack fails and you are under the car.
So a speedometer cable is makes showing how fast you're going possible, right?
Det där behöver jag göra på min T3 också.. haha 🙂 "Love your channel, keep it up" 🙂 Cheers from Sweden !!
get a VW baja beetle, that would be cool
Glad there are people able to teach how to repair things. I wish my father was still around to teach me these things but he passed away unfortunately.
Not a thulean chill out this one.
2:13 CYKA!!!
Hvis Speedometer Kabel Tar Oss
3:58 …and that's how you gain slavic fans.
That is a very fast pit stop.
Where did you learn about repairing vehicles ?
Please get some jack-stands or some big pieces of wood or something to support your vehicles on whilst underneath. Supporting them like you did there, with just a flimsy old road-side jack is dangerous. Don't leave Europe with abandonment issues!
This is so oddly relaxing
Wow is beautiful congratulations Mr. Varg
I hope that thing is a copy of das kapital
Jackstands, Varg. That way the van won’t fall on you. Also put a dab of silicon on the hole in the bearing dust cap so no water gets in and ruins your wheel bearings and in turn the spindle itself.