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49 комментариев
Long or Compact, doesn't matter, it's a BMW and OLEG <3 it!
Compacts are gay
instructions unclear got dick stuck in blow off valve
swap e36 compact rear in this ting
It should be easy in theory.
stupid idea, but good luck dude
good way to keep yourself relevant
Is there some footage of the race?
"E 34 compact"???
why would you do that
Nice, I'm gonna do this with my E39 right now.
lmao @ that cod:mw hit marker sound @ 0:44
kādu kameru robyworks izmanto? (noteikti nevaresu atlauties)
Pathetic "sport"
Päris raju maha niitmine.
When you are so good, so you dont need a rear.
looks like shit
Will this cool life hack allow you to make other objects compact?
pretty clean cut that.
instructions unclear, clickbait
btw am i a bad person if i find the compact..i mean the e46 compact model, pretty cool?
Wtf is this shit video?
music in final ?
Hahaha hea töö
ain't got no time for that.
That was painful to watch, but a compact E34 would be awesome!
i thought i would see a video.where some1 builds a car in only 5 seconds…
Step 1: Don't
First and last drifter in Estonia?) To much show, to many good drift… if you didnt turn on track, nothing happend, you maked a show from yours mistake…do in Estonia drifts like that? lol
What's the song it the end?
i legit hat bmw compacts its like the ugly child of a sedan and a hatchback
Hahaha "it hurts like SHET"
almost looks like a VW Corrado when you make it 'compact'
Should of used your blinker and he wouldn't have hit you. PFF BMW drivers
mul on bemmin uudet gummit
just one word
The Baddest Poetry — Bad Poetry Club
He hit his head and now he wants to make E34 Compact. That's dangerous. Dont hit your head.
#robyworks pls do video on Eneos 1006 km race this year ( like if u want to see it too )
Here in Germany there are e36 compacts and they are the cheapest BMWs you can get, so it's either that or a miata, both under 2 grand… has something to do with them being considered ugly and since it does not matter how the fr looks, there's your cheap cell for a budget drifter. I personally don't hate them, it's all about taste, taste that lowers the price.
Widebody compact with the M wing c:
Nice compact
when will we get more info on this, i want to see how it turns out
they did it