How to Drain Dirty Gas in any Car Using Jumper instead Of Fuel Pump Relay.
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12 комментариев
Wow! That was some bad gas!
That's not just dirty that is full of water to boot. You can see the separation, water is heavier then gas, the gas is actually floating on top of the water in the jar.
How to Drain Dirty Gas in any Car, this only works on fuel injected vehicles because they have electric fuel pumps, not on carbureted vehicles, they have mechanical fuel pumps.
I sure hope you changed your in-line petrol / fuel filter after you basically cleaned out your gas tank into your Petrol / Fuel filter…
This video is useless
what type of wire did you use in the fuse box
Why is it so dirty?
Will this work the same if I have the fuel filter off? Will it just come pouring out at the line before the filter? I have a 97 BMW and there are few ways to get fuel out, this being what looks to be easiest.
how do you dispose of the bad fuel?
For my mercedes you are OK
Good video!
it's safer to to use the rail unless you know your vehicle wiring. Don't try to figure it out if you don't know your car wiring. there's also gas that's pouring on top of your engine. Also , keep in mind that when your under your car the gas may pour on you so bring plenty of towels and a large enough bucket.