Clutch hub in the fan is 20 years old!
Car warmed up and at operation temperature, the fan should put up a better fight…
Disclaimer : Don’t grab your fan if you suspect it actually works.
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Clutch hub in the fan is 20 years old!
Car warmed up and at operation temperature, the fan should put up a better fight…
Disclaimer : Don’t grab your fan if you suspect it actually works.
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8 комментариев
Special kiwi word for when you are really tired and upload videos. hurrrp
Is this meant to be a joke or is it a real expression of stupidity. The hazards to fingers pf rotating machinery are immense whether or not the coupling's working
If the fan stops when you put your hands in it, you need to replace the clutch. If your hand gets whacked off, then you could jump in joy because your fan clutch is still working.
It should be said that you shouldn't test your fan clutch this way if your not sure if it is bad or not. Use a few sheets of rolled up newspaper or a thin magazine. If the fan clutch was not bad and you stuck your hand into it, it has enough power to rip your fingers off.
just turn the fan with engine shut off if it free wheels its fucked if it has resistance and stops turning straight away its OK simple, stupid idiot doing it with the engine running
Use a folded newspaper instead
If I can give my 2c worth. Testing a VCF while engine is NOT running will only show if it engages but NOT that it can properly disengage or works properly. Implying. While turning fan when engine is NOT turning the fan will feel stiff in the beginning for the first 20-30 seconds (keep turning it with your hand), after a while you will notice it will turn and spin more freely as the oil is pushed back to the centre due to the closed-off valve caused by cold engine (cold copper metal pushing the valve close). This indicates proper operation.
The copper piece of heat-metal gets deformed (warn out) over the years and VCF's engages too soon as they get older because of metal fatigue. I bent the piece of metal and it caused the VCF to disengage more properly, but still it still runs too much. Fail save design by manufacturers to rather cause the VCF to lock-up than run free as metal fatigue kicks in (:>) — at less keeping the engine cool.
Nonetheless kicking in too soon causes the car to run too cold probably causing the thermostat to fail because it has to work harder protecting the warm engine from the TOO cold radiator coolant.
Doing it on a COLD engine start — Wait 20-30 second for oil to be pushed to the centre and then catch the fan. If you can stop the fan, it means the VCF disengages properly not sounding like a jet-engine locked-up to the water pump axle.
Drive around the block and see if you NOW can hold unto the fan if it reached operating temperature. Surprise it will cause damage to your hand if it works properly — Don't do it!!!
If the fan can be stop on a hot engine three reasons. 1. Honey Oil is empty, needs refill if possible — older models, 2. Copper metal doesn't react to the heat property and at the right temperatures and doesn't open soon enough — bend metal title bit outwards. 3. If fan doesn't want to disengage at lower temps bend metal plate inwards closing the valve sooner 4. Fan is shot/done (bearings = replace).