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25 комментариев
I passed theory second time and practical first time, practical I got 8 minors in and 3 or 4 of them were on my manoeuvre hahaha cause I had parallel park
I had lessons every day pretty much taking me home from work, I can't recommend that enough because I had my lessons at all different times, to get used to driving in the dark and in the day too
Theory takes a bit of practice but if you have experience at driving, the practical is piss easy
Where do you buy your car mod parts from?
done theory 3rd time and 1st driving as well some how when i was speeding in a 20 doing 25 lol 5minors decent
Your videos are awesome mate thanks
Got my test next week bro thanks!
Passed theory 1st time, practical 2nd time with 1 minor. Learner insurance is the best way to learn. I got 3 months learner insurance with admiral for £190 on my using my mums car. So much cheaper than paying £230 for 10 hours.
If you wanna get driving experience in a parents car, even if ur under 17, then this could be perfect for you: this place called car drome in romford has a 12 acre site with roads, roundabouts, hill start hills and all sorts. Really good place to learn clutch control, setting off and stopping and lil bits of driving around. For the self tuition you just pay £15 in £1 coins at the gate and drive in, you can stay there all day if you wanted to. The do also have driving instructors there too if you wanted as well. Hope this helps someone, really helped me to learn to drive alot cheaper. By doing this, and getting learner insurance i only spent around £700 on all of my driving and for that i got over 400 hours of driving.
booking my test soon anyone recommend cheap car insurance for 17 year old? i live in northamptonshire
Are you gonna get a touchscreen for your interior?
How much is learner insurance lad
Enjoy the videos man keep it up. Future video idea maybe putting a tracker in the car see how to fit and how well it works etc.
It cost me £170 to pass my test
Passed my theory on 31 of January first time had a couple of lessons and passed my test in April 2
I Brought a Peugeot 106 a few weeks back to start learning nice little car.
Just passed with 3 minors, good video!
Passed my test today got 3 minors and went and bought my new corsa limited edition in red
Form were I came , u can't pass that exam without paying extra money to your tester , no matter how skilled you are , you will fucking fail
I've took my practical 3 times and they fail me on seriously silly stuff, any advice?
Passed my test yesterday 3 minors 2nd try buzzin man
nice vid but why have you wrapped a tea cosy around your seatbelt m8
Nice one man considering you only had a few lessons with a instructor. I got my driving test in a couple of weeks it scary
Mate I was the exact same with Theory! I kid you not!! I rushed my first practical before I bought my 116i. That took a massive confidence boost away from me. I’m doing three lessons like you said before the test; how you described. I have my test this coming week on Wednesday so wish me luck!
i passed with the instructor in the car
got my test in 3 days, hopefully gonna smash it!
Got my test in 2 weeks