After completing over 500 miles in a week in my new to me 955 Porsche Cayenne, how expensive has it been to run?
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21.7mpg is decent given the weight and mass it has to deal with. My 2004 4.5 S manual has managed 21.3mpg over 5k miles.
And the Cayenne warning bleep is a siren. A terrible one.
very good mate looking 4ward to your s type
Could you please do something about that massive mole….. I find it intimidating!
Great video I can’t help notice you are right on my doorstep passed my road if you went down my road you would have been very happy to see my 2 Porsche Cayenne parked up 1 V8 1 V6 as well as my 5.0l V10 diesel. We got to meet up soon for a review on my V8 or the V10
Halfords just take the piss
Just found out the engine from this Cayenne is also used in a forklift! So basically you’re now a certified forklift operator.
Some competent headlight engineering there, take note audi, it's a bumper off job to change the DRL on my Q5
I had this exact same problem on my Audi B6. It turned out to be the black bulb holder. I bought one cheap on eBay and it solved it. Looks like the same/very similar part.
V power… good lad. Best fuel
The V8s dont use a lot more fule than the V6s as they are heavy cars and dont require so much throttle input and they are so much more pleasurable to drive. Effortless!
Happy new year!
Insurance £750- decent; 21.7mpg is ok for old dog like that
Well my 1989 Volvo 240 GL only does 21mpg and it's not as luxurious 😉
You know you're an (ex) BMW owner when even the 'dong' noise in the video makes your heart skip a beat!!!
Clean up the contacts
Not a fan of the fuel cap in the nozzle trick: likely to disable the auto cut off & shower you with fuel, surely..?
I think you're right Joel I'm born 2002 and my favourite cars are from the 10s I drive an 11 plate touareg have a 08 ford ranger as my beater. It's my favourite era of Volvo's too with the C30 and v70
These are DIYer vehicles, nothing snobby about that in the least. A new EV is a rich person toy. Personally I love the character of the earlier Cayenne's.
You know, watching you and Lucy On Cars, you guys both like luxury cars of this era I actually like them too and I'll agree I was a kid at that time and I just fell in love with the BMWs of the 2000s. My favourite at that age was a BMW x5 e70 but I'm a little scared… Great video.
Scotty Kilmer has nothing but awful things to say about cars that arent Toyota or Lexus and sure those are reliable but if he loved cars as deeply as we did growing up, driving a Toyota is like living on tuna fish. Keeps you strong but you're never really satisfied.
I just got 554 miles for a tank of BP Super. It only takes 37 litres though. £146 for a fill is eye-watering
Cracking looking car, insane value, makes buying a new one look silly. Great vid mate.
I don't have the fuel filler button and I have a 2006 3.2. I wonder if it was an option?
That light idea was cleaver from Porsche, super simple to remove and change the bulbs in the front, however, when you drive it and the car is moving around and the car gets older, you get a play in it, had the same problem in my Cayenne but dipped beam.
Look at the next version of the Cayenne, it has a different connection.
high running costs is not the problem its the engine faults you should worry about
About highway driving and change to 5th. Is it normal or symptom? My Cayenne does same but only with hot transmission. I suspect turbine converter clutch doesn’t open. I put shiftkit with new TCC parts from Transgo but it didn’t help.
hahahaah bmw gong of death hahaha