Embarquez pour un tour de la boucle nord du Nürburgring au volant de la nouvelle Honda Civic Type R 2018, lors de cette journée Touristenfahrten du 01/11/2017. Puis retrouvez notre avis détaillé en accès libre sur http://www.largus.fr/actualite-automobile/essai-honda-civic-type-r-2018-le-test-au-nurburgring-et-sur-autobahn-8830392.html
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36 комментариев
PERFECT driving. I really wish see a video like this but driving the new i30 N.
Toujours aussi doué le pilote 😉
Great driving, safe smooth and efficient.
Good car well balanced.
Thanks for the vid
Great video, even better drive!
Ce pilote c'est un amour
Purée impressionnant comme il dépose tout le monde ! Stock la Type R ? ça a l'air d’être une machine qui tourne bien aussi !
Easier than the Clubsport S to drive?
Ça se traîne, les méganes RS.
Nice driving. Good job!
great driving.
Une petite caméra qui filme en arrière serait bien pour voir toutes les voitures misent dans le vent par ce bon pilote et sa monture
Avec la petite vignette crit'air, c'est limite insolent. xD
Fucking fast car
T'es un vrai pilote
Sehr gut.
Wow. Amazing driving — so composed and smooth!
My most sincere congratulations! That was one hell of a lap!
well done, if I were anywhere near there I would have taken my Type R as well, it's a perfect car for this situation! I've taken mine to my local tracks, it's always a lot of fun.
Wow. Brilliant driving…..
Joli chrono, très bonne auto, excellent pilote
wow more comfortable on the bend
i have subscribe..
Très bon pilote et très bon chassis !
thansk .. Pouvons-nous utiliser cette vidéo … ???
Ugly as fuck…
king of cars
Nice! Getting up to 150 MPH! Looks like you know that track well. You drove very relaxed.
ahahah l'RS qui laisse tomber ! Magnifique !
I have one question is the car stock ???
No exhaust sound…..
Gearing looks pretty spread out to me…. big rpm drops when up shifting……is this considered a close ratio for Honda?
Smooth driving.
How is your camera fitted and which one is it?
Superb driving! The CTR is a track killer!
He is calm and very skillful driver. His hand flows smoothly for whole time.
I cant belive how fast this car can pass thru the corners.Also I would not have the balls to drive so agresive,respect for the driver.Thats when you think you are exelent driver and then you watch this video you realize that you are not. 🙂