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25 комментариев
The one on 2:29 hit the breaks as soon as he could, I wouldn’t say he is the bad driver there!
Not that they shouldn't drive a Mercedes, is that they should be driving at all
10:30 Instant justice, Russian style. 🙂
3:38 is painful to watch
O Russian am from Belarus
6:52 is a Ford Focus
13:47 Obviously couldn't fit the full name of the driver on the plate so used the abbreviation BMPK ~ BUMPKIN!
You just have to love the Russians, mental as fuck and worth the price of admission.
What was that cool, Latin beat music you used in 2 parts of the video?? I liked that.
I think I'm understanding why the russians drive that way; for the average russian driver:
+ The mirrors are just an ornament.
+ Never shoulder check, just look forward.
+ Hitting the breaks means you are a coward so never use them.
+ Lines painted on the streets are a mistery.
+ The snow makes the car goes faster so pedal to the metal.
+ Everyone is stupid but me, the driver.
27:12 is not a Mercedes
5:18 music when you loose a battle in World of Tanks
The jerks in the Mercs
I see a lot of people doing U-turns getting pulled over on these types of videos. Are U-turns illegal in most places?
100 who should not be driving at all!
wow …..this guy sure sees a lot of accidents
Really? Just 100?? I deal with More Than That EVERY Day GOING TO WORK! 🙁
Mercedes compilation -.-, !??
25:20 what a butterface..
If I owned a car in Russia the first thing I would do is weld big steel bars all around the out side! lol!
Merc's certainly bring out the worst in people, there are some right CUNT's in the UK with Merc's! lol!
I see that skinny chick in the red Merc is obviously starving herself to afford the car. she needs to work on getting skinnier to pay for some driving lesson's! lol!
16:00 Aaaahahahahaa. They go like sheep to the butcher.
Russians are mentally disturbed.
Has nothing to do with Mercedes asshole! I can make a similar vid with just Volvo's or Lada's, get it? Backward piece of filth!