A song Jadus sings to Talia that she recognizes from her Holderkin past, that he sings to comfort her. From the CD Heralds, Harpers, and Havoc. I don’t know who sung it.
Lyrics: Mercedes Lackey Music: Ernie Mansfield
(Talia: Arrows of the Queen)
Silly sheep
Go to sleep
We will watch around you keep
Though the night be dark and deep
Nothing past us dares to creep
Go to sleep.
Wooly heads
Have no dreads
Though we’d rather seek out beds
And our eyes are dull as leads
And we long for hearths and Steads
Have no dreads.
Do not fear
We are here
Though this watch is lone and drear
Lacking in all warmth and cheer
Till the morn again draws near
We are here.
In the night
Stars shine bright
And the moon is at her height
Lending us her little light
Nothing comes to give you fright
Stars shine bright.
With the day
We’ll away
Leaving you to greet the day
Other shepherds watch you play
Keep you safe from all that prey
We’ll away.
Silly sheep
Go to sleep.
We will watch around you keep
Go to sleep.
Go to sleep.
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8 комментариев
talia is my favorite character…Actually the arrow's series is my favorite that she writes altogether. ^_^ And I have read most of her books…Mercedes Lackey is my favorite author…
The music to Holderkin Sheep Song is written by Ernie Mansfield.
It still happens, just in smaller and smaller communities.
Not if you're in one of those communities.
You're free to relocate. Canada (where I am) is much more free and open-minded about such things.
Fare well on your journey, and I hope it brings what you are searching for.
slight correction… jadus plays it to convince talia to sing, and using that he confirmed her voice as well as break down a couple barriers/comfort…
I believe that Mercedes Lackey herself sang this song ( and a couple of others).