Heater Core Replacement Volkswagen Passat B6 and CC. How to removal heater core
Heater core flushing, Clogged Core 100% – Low heat https://youtu.be/sKdTIn92nJ4
Automotive Shop http://ali.pub/47xnfo
OBD2 Car Diagnostic-Tool http://ali.pub/47xqn6
Heater Core Replacement Volkswagen Passat B6 and CC. How to removal heater core by My Video is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiu0TV_Uz0MZKFuHapYuv6g
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12 комментариев
Do I need any other part other than the heatercore itself?
Чем вы смазали соединение?
Alüminyum Pipe removal ?
Добрый день братан, у меня тоже СС, 11 год, пассажирский ряд дует холод не подскажите в чем проблема спасибо заранее
Anyone have a part number for this heater core?
Would this be the same for VW cc 3.6l?
De que año es ese coche para un b6 es igual??
what specific steps did you follow to bleed the coolant system of air bubbles after you replaced the core?
Was the screw between the 2 coolant lines on the firewall easy to put back in?
Здравствуйте, коротко и все по делу, отлично молодец, особенно с выдергивание трубок из соединения..
Great video. Two questions — At 4:27 you show the inlet/outlet tubes with the coolant hoses. But, on my VW CC there is a metal shield also around the inlets/outlets. Just formed sheet metal. You car doesn't have this. Did you remove it first? If so, how? Thanks!
Why are these heater cores chronically getting plugged up?? Second time for me in 3 years!