2UNDR — http://bit.ly/2UndrPerformance 20% OFF — «Freeman20»
Got a few more emails on Kijiji from people with brand new used jumper vehicles so I headed over to Thedford Ontario and picked up a Dodge Caravan! This thing rips! Brian accidentally slid sideways and smacked the Mercedes though!!! OOOOPSSS!!!!
Intro Song — «VS» By Shotgun Rules
Tough Duck — http://bit.ly/ToughDuck
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MBRP Exhausts — http://bit.ly/MBRPperformance
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LiveFit — http://bit.ly/LiveFitFoods $10 OFF CODE «BIG10»
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MX GRAPHICS — http://www.LimeNine.com «FREEMAN15» 15% OFF
TEAMLTD Apparel — http://bit.ly/TEAMLTD 15% Off Code «Freeman408»
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Mark Freeman #408
PO Box 272
Thorndale, ON, Canada
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About Mark Freeman #408:
Mark Freeman #408 YouTube channel is dedicated to every extreme sport out there! We started out strictly with motocross and atv quad racing but realized there was only so much to be filmed! Then we added in skydiving, wake boarding, wake surfing, snowmobiling, 4X4 off road vehicles, and tons of different events! On top of that we love jumping cars! We’re all about living the dream and we hope you’ve enjoyed the videos and have subscribed! If you have any suggestions for future videos or would like to collaborate leave a comment below, we would love to hear any feedback as well! Thank you and have a fantastic day! — Team 408
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Brad — @BradMc9
Emily — @E.ms_95
Jason — @JasonLeBlanc
Matt — @MattMcguire450
Matt — @Trudgehammer
Brett — @BrettHellyer
Billy — @Six.Twenty.Four
Geoff -@ GeoffreyTuer
Jeff — @JeffWhaling
Kassie — @KassieBoone79
Sean — @HTWshine
TEAMLTD — @teamltd
LimeNine — @limenine
FXR Racing — @fxrracing
LiveFit Foods — @livefitfoods
Rockstar Energy — @rockstarenergycanada
ECD Customs — @ecdcustoms
Rockwell Watches @RockwellWatches
LivWell Nutrition — @livwell_nutrition
He T-BONED The MERCEDES BY ACCIDENT!!! | Mark Freeman #408
Mark Freeman #408
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29 комментариев
Another mint video.
Chrysler pt cruser jump!!!!!!!!
Do a video where you jump a car into the sporttraxs
Did you blow the head gasket? Lol
We need a "What's Brian t-boning today" and have him run into the odd car here or there lol
Ahh sick
you should jump a snow mobile
Hey man I’m a new subscriber. 8 vids a week is crazy always entertain you from Canada?
take the van mudding
Bothers me how he wears long sleeve while in texas its 115
Do you live in thorndale Ontario man?
Make the derby sooner plz
Brian! Your an animal in the man van!
That was a total cheech and chong moment!
Soccer mom jump time. Only because she wanted to save a tire.lol
I don’t think that caravan is gonna last much longer. All the cars that end up breaking before the jump, you should drain the oil and blow the engines up.
What’s the intro somg
This brings back so many memories from when I was a taxi driver…
Gotta love all van burnouts. EPIC
More of Brian he cracks me up lmao looks like he's have so much fun driving
I can’t wait for the derby, hope I win that poster lol!!!
Is you going to keep the side by side throw the winter?
280k subscribers
Not a fan of the go pro out the window. Way better shot from inside car
Super content as always keep it up
Oh and my Instagram is different from my you tube name is that problem ?