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29 комментариев
If you have a bolt thats tight like that, if you loosen in then tighten it down again a few threads then loosen it again it makes it so much easier to get them out
Get a corsavan rear floor pan, bulkhead and extended plastic sides — will tidy it up a bit and be practical than seeing sharp metal everywhere, don't think it will reduce the sound any to be honest. I just sold my corsavan hence thinking of this mad idea lol.
Have you not sold the Sri yet ?
I've been here since 1.5 k
Are you doing this for a cage or just fancy being a typical corsa twat?
Oooo somebody got some Vans for Christmas
That wasn’t ilkeston Halfords was it ??
New series your dad drives your subscribers cars
When in doubt. Get dad to do it for you xD
Wanted one of these cars drove a few but if ur over 6 foot u can’t have one seat don’t go back far enough
Because Racecar!
You were near Trowell/Wollaton when your dad was driving weren’t you?
Bit pointless, like if agree
May sound stupid but what is the bar actually for ?
Your dad is a legend! Great video
Do you live in Notts?
Breaker bar behindtheseat like
Where you get the tool box from lad?
Can you do a video on how to remove fog light covers, I need to spray mine! Watched loads of your videos keep up the mods
Wheres the new wheels???
Your dads reaction is the same as my dads reaction when i do something to my car hahaha
My dog has that elf he loves it haha!
Song intro?
I think you been abit selfish mate how you gonna give the boys a lift? #PutItBack
i also got a tool kit for christmas
Your dad is a sick kid fair doos
What a prick
WD40's goes on the underneath, better off screwing it back in then spraying and undoing it. Spraying on the head doesn't do a great deal as it doesn't touch the threads.
Killa “just put it back in show them”
“What” thinking go fack yourself