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23 комментария
Wooooo!!!! X
Glad you’re back pal
Been a subscriber from early on, at end of day if you’re spending money and putting time into these vids then you should be getting something back from it. Glad it’s fixed keep up the work mate
Good to see you back, what camera do you use?.
Also if you need any help with Parts/tech advice, then ask me as I work for VX.
Nice to have you back bro… do another B road bashing video!!!
Glad you sorted it buddy!
25k by Xmas calling it!
Glad your back mate
Hey dude, I'm a subscriber since 2K… what do you use to edit your videos?
You got an email bro? Got an interesting idea for you!
I really do hope you make a load of money J3 maybe a tv reality show about cars etc. Others have done it that are not as good as yourself.keep it up and don't let the fuckers grind you down.
Stance the corsa
No need to justify yourself dude. It's 2018. Everyone should know the deal with YouTube. You put the work in, you deserve the reward. Plenty of YouTubers upload purely for views. At least you have a passion for this and money isn't the first thing you consider before uploading. Can't wait to see the wide mouth. I want to do it on my Corsa but a DIY guide would be awesome!
You don't need to justify how you make you income everyone needs a source of in come and like you said of you work hard to push out content for us as the viewer for free then why not get paid some how we get to watch for fuck all so why is it fair that that u fork out to make these great vids and get nothing in return it's not sod the haters there jealous that you have done what most people ponder about and never do keep it up bro.
And if you want you can spray my alloys haha
Nice one glad to see back
You shouldn’t have to ever explain yourself mate. Anyone with a brain cell will understand that the money for the channel is key. Better quality / mods. You have true subscribers who will be with you regardless.
Ignore them mate.
Do you use photoshop to create your thumbnails?:DD
Car meet soon?
Thanks for sharing your experience. I also started my channel, because I wanted to share my experience, as well as fill in the gaps that car journalists leave open. For me it's a hobby as well. Quite honestly I don't care about subscribers either, as long as people are viewing what I share, I'm happy — then I know I'm not doing it for nothing.
A hate patreon too well done.
Love your videos mate! Glad to see you back. I'm just starting off on YouTube and just wondered if you had any tips you could share? Cheers!