Only underpowered cars!
Megaspeed Cup 2/3
Test Course
R33 GT-R V-Spec 915HP 2845lb 4WD
GTO twin turbo 903HP 3158lb 4WD
Supra RZ 876HP 2788lb FR
NSX Type S 534HP 2236lb MR
Cosmo 20B Type E 652HP 3030lb FR
[R]Eclipse GT 378HP 2079lb FF
Only with sheer luck player with Eclipse can win in Test Course.
Needless to say, player must drive very skillfully: use slipstream, never bump slow opponents. In order to ever overtake the GTO or the Supra, player must complete the two corners at above 190 MPH and the straightways at above 210 MPH. Any speed below those means a certain no 1st place. Player must rely on the Cosmo and the NSX (our two co-slipstreamers) to achieve such speeds, since Eclipse is simply too weak to run by itself. But the poor AI-s of the Cosmo and of the NSX aren’t helping.
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