Huge let down for Nvidia fans, The clock drop means the 295 will out perform it in gaming for half the price, Let's hope the reason the release has been delayed is because there having a rethink that results in them redesigning and repricing it. Even better take the recent 6gb 780 from the EVGA step up program, make it into a 6gb ti and stick a pair of them together and price that around what the 295 is.
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Huge let down for Nvidia fans, The clock drop means the 295 will out perform it in gaming for half the price, Let's hope the reason the release has been delayed is because there having a rethink that results in them redesigning and repricing it. Even better take the recent 6gb 780 from the EVGA step up program, make it into a 6gb ti and stick a pair of them together and price that around what the 295 is.
its all about the 295×2!!
I want 2 please