So yeah sorry for the lack of uploads i am pretty stuck atm!
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24 комментария
Thanks! Is there no legal restriction in terms of tinting the rear lights?
If I was in my first year of driving do you think any insurance will allow me to debadge my car if not then will they allow it in my second
Great video again bro
How long have you been driving for
r ya gettin indicator surrounds …can get some for 25 quid on ebay..when ya get ya debit card lol
I think you should do more videos like this one you did years ago….
J3ESE your actually a really nice YouTuber that actually cares and answers there fans question, fare play to you. I genually check every day if you uploaded because it won't send a notification. Keep up the good work man
Love these vids man can’t wait to get a corsa when I pass
you need led plate bulbs bro
Long you going to Spain for? Remember you saying you lived there when I subbed like 6 months back
Hey I know someone has probably already asked this but will you be doing a video on how you did the bonnet vents?
Love your vids man keep doing what you do, the value you provide your subscribers with is insane and you truly deserve more
Did you manage to fix that squeak in the engine?
Cant you just go into the bank and withdraw the money ? And most bank apps now let you withdraw at a cash point without a card …hope you have by now either way haha
can you get stick on plates that are road legal?
Keep up the vids bro, i jus wanna know what front splitter your thinking of getting?
You had some lip fillers? Haha
ey nice car man if you need something for your beautiful corsa: everything for vauxall hahah nice video!
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Mines got abit smokey to after spray cheers for the tip
With the number plate , you would’ve got away with it if they wasn’t tinted.
The chance is like 9/10 to be pulled for the space inbetween the numbers
Been driving for 2 months, when do you reckon tinted brake lights or an ecu remap will be affordable regarding insurance?
R u going to get a shark fin forbthe top ??
What Oil do you use for your car? I have the same one and the warning light has just come on?