Made a drift tuning guide for the Forza subreddit ( and this is a sort of video walkthrough for it.
Check it out here if you haven’t already. There’s a lot more detail in the text version. 🙂
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19 комментариев
Why don't you upload man
Stance is one of my favorite Forza YouTubers Out there and deserves Wayyy more subs
Good tune or not, you make this look so easy! How are you able to initiate and hold a drift so easily and then swing the rear around for the other end of the curve? I don't mean you or any real drifters any offence or disrespect, but I'm trying to drift so I can 3 star my zones and do the drift bucket lists because that's all I have left in FH3. Again, no disrespect, I have trouble drifting-I'm not a drifter-I'm just trying to play the game. Very informative video.
wtf 113 054 views but 983 subs he deserves more
Bro, your mic was way to quite compared to your in-game sounds
I really appreciate your video, but dont take so long talking about unnecesary things, the first 2 minutes were fairly irrelevant, i think most people just look to jump right in.
You're probably using a controller :v
what if ur using a 2005 subaru impreza wrx sti
Okay… When Im not coming from a dead stop to a drift, the car wont get sideways. Am I going to fast? Going from 150-170, down a gear, but I just can't get it sideways… What do I need to change?
How Do You Record On You're Xbox?
you did beter the second time tho? lol
How do i get more wheelspin? I struggle making my builds because in 3rd gear i dont get any wheelspin / high rpm
How do you change license plate color
I have a tune built but i cant get the keep rpms up while drifting even downshifting any help?
my mx5 is the god of the carpark thanks to this video and his reddit post
Can I download your tune?
how u think about the toyota supra horizon edition ??
good video tho learned a lot