Broken BMW X3 window got you down?
I bet you heard a loud pop and the next time you lowered your window never saw it again. This is very, very irritating and surprisingly common. However the fix is relative simple if a bit fiddly and knuckle scrapely. Arm yourself, a T27 screwdriver, and a trim removal tool.
Here is the part :
The front doors have airbags — don’t forget to disconnect the battery.
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14 комментариев
Nice video, thanks! I searched for videos like this but only used the search word "regulator". "Drive Dog" is not that common of a term so this video is hard to find. If you can rename it and include other key words like "x3" and e83 I bet you would get thousands of hits. Thanks again, I am about to go try to replace both rear window drive dogs on my daughter's x3 this afternoon. This video will come in handy!
Looks simple enough. I took the drivers side rear door panel off to take a look at why the window went down and never came back up. It is the drive dog (not attached to the cable any more). I'm going to get a new one and try this myself. I'll let you know how this goes.
Getting the drive dog out seems to be tough. Still trying. A little more detail on that would be helpful. After it is back together, will it keep coming out? In other words, is it better to replace the drive dog with a new one and are they available. Thanks.
After replacing the clip, the window goes up and down normally, but when it goes up, it hits the top and comes back down as if it hit an obstruction. I checked and the window is in the clip. I am wondering if the rubber bumpers on the clip are holding the windows too high up. Have you heard of any problems like this? Is there an adjustment you know about to determine the stop point so it does not reverse? Thanks.
Great video. I had exactly the same thing happen and followed your video precisely to fix it. I even ordered the part from your link. The only difference is that my 2007 X3 only has 3 bolts on the back door. Thanks for posting!
Thank you very much! It was perfect. I repaired my BMW X3 2007 in 1h and 30min.
Hey can you please let me know the Amazon link to buy the drive dog. I have tried searching, but couldn't find it.
I didn't think a nearly $400 dealer repair would be so easy! I found the part online for ~ $20 and spent more time getting my tools and putting them away than I did on the repair. Was done in 30 min! Thanks for the great video, it gave me the confidence to try it on my own without having to dedicate half a day fiddling around, it was so easy…
Nicely done! thanks for taking the time to make the video. Btw what year is your X3? Will be doing this on a 2007 soon.
i have a battery drain and no one can find the problem someone please help its a 07×3
61 31 3414354 A101 This number is very # HW.04 SW.05 04-13K is very important
Just want to Thank You for your great video. I studied it for days, yep all 2:57 mins of it before i tackled my driver's side window. Ordered the window regulator online for $60 and then got to work. Was tricky getting the 2 plastic "dogs" to pop off the glass as i didn't realize the glass has 2 holes on the bottom where the plastic dog hooks on to. Had to replace the regulator as the cable had shredded and tangled up in the casing. Was easy , unplugging it from the motor and taking off the bolts that hold up the 2 arms inside. Lining up the 2 holes on the bottom of glass to latch back on to the 2 plastic dogs again was challenging…but happy to have done it myself and save $$$.
Great video, very useful. Just fixed the rear passenger window on my 2009 X3. A couple of minor pointers in addition to what you provided:
1. it's much more fiddly than you make it look, patience is required 😉
2. a) on the 2009 X3 there are only three retaining bolts, the recessed one under the arm rest and two under the trim
b) it is a T30 torx/star bolt on this model. The recessed ones are extremely hard to reach and mine were extremely tight and took a lot of effort to loosen. Best if you have the correct equipment, i.e. a torque wrench that can reach recessed bolts.
3. on the replacement (non OEM) regulator I bought on Amazon, the rubber stoppers were not included. Keep your old, broken regulator and you can reuse the two rubber stoppers for the window. This may also explain why another commenter had problems with alignment.
Anyway, many thanks!