Bill uses a bucket of propylene glycol to show how a fiber optic cable works and how engineers send signal across oceans. More info at You can translate captions at
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34 комментария
Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us. Keep it up. Very well done video, information, and concise.
thank you, very helpful.
You are amazing
Totally loved the video
Close your eyes and you can almost hear Neil Degrasse Tyson
Hi Bill, always find it hard to take you seriously since I was taken in by your first transistor joke with the car battery! however your fiber optic demo is great thank you.
This helped me for my test, bro!
Yay Illini Blue!!!!
It just works
Awesome sir…u r d Boss…!!! D way u simplified…. hats off 2u…!!!
I don't know why this is not been implemented every where in the US.I love it.
Great video!
Good thing Al Gore invented the Internet.
I hate your haircut.
I have a question though. Is it possible to use this fiber optic technology to communicate with someone from Mars? If I want to send an email to a friend on mars planet or telephone him. Is there like a way to extend this fiber optic thingy to the red ball planet up there without the cables which will definitely snap or get burnt by the sun when earth and mars are on 2 extreme ends….Hmmm.. So how do we communicate with mars using light? How about a man made solar satellite? For example if the earth and mars revolve around the sun in a disc pattern at 9 O' Clock and 3 O' Clock can it be possible to put a laser data transmitting satellite suspended at 12 O' clock?
Do they really pull at 1,600 m/s or did you mean to say 1,600 m/min?
Very useful
Thank You.
Then you have the Australians been proud of themselves for getting rid of fibre optics, and build more ADSL (copper wire) infrastructure.
u are amazing….i lvd it
People, just because this may not be what you are looking for, doesn't mean you have to dislike it…
But why pure silicon dioxide instead they should use an alloy any particular reason
Sounds like redstone
look like that dad of that high school kid explaining that 4th dimension
My ACOG scope for my AR-15 is a fiber optic
Didnt know Mark Hamill was so into engineering!
2:37. You said "per second. " Closed captioning read "per minute. "
U r the best
We are in the telecommunications industry and are looking for a cable that will not be prone to electromagnetic interference and will have the capacity to carry a lot of information. Please advise.
You know enginering is awesome , when Mark Hammil can explain it so well xD Seriously, so suscribed!!
I learned more in 5 minutes here than a month in science class
You’re the best. Thank you for the great video.
My dad used to lay undersea cables and was gone for months at a time on ships which carried massive reels of the stuff. Would talk about how they did it and spliced it and tested it.
name jeff?