High end gaming wheel for PC and PS3.
Racing cockpit, wheel and pedals by Fanatec. Display installation by Matrox (TripleHead2Go)
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High end gaming wheel for PC and PS3.
Racing cockpit, wheel and pedals by Fanatec. Display installation by Matrox (TripleHead2Go)
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49 комментариев
it's a very nice wheel and pedal system. as good as the g25, if not better.
the 911 turbo wheel works at pc and ps3. a xbox360 version will be coming, hopefully soon.
How do you know an XBOX version is coming out?
I have to admit, the wheel does feel nice as i was in Dicksmith powerhouse awhile ago and they had all these steering wheels out on display but weren't hooked up to any consoles though, but i had a feel of it and it felt pretty good. I like the thickness of the wheel. The design of the wheel looks pretty awesome as well. The only gripe i have with this wheel is the shifting gear part, looks weird and doesn't have the realism as the G25
it was posted in thomas jackermeiers blog some days ago.
Just double checking, is thomas jackermeiers the CEO of Fanatec wheels?
correct 🙂
Do you have one yet?
This is also the Fanatec full racing chasis. Can we please have a more complete video of it as well along with a detailed descriptiona nd report? Thank you Fanatec!
bad presantation. the game runs bad and the settings for the wheel are wrong. that cant make fun.
wireless input is so bad, how can they even play with all that input lag. …
so dumb
Check out that lag!!
yeah, at first day there were some serious problems with the pc. they fixed it the next day.
take a look at the fanatec website.
when he turns the steering wheel dont turn at the same time in the game
from what i understand they are dell 24"
This is NO CONNECTION problem or LAG! This is just the steering help enabled within the game.
The "TVs" are LCD monitors: Dell UltraSharp 2408WFP
WOW!LOL! look at those girls from :37 to :50, their hot
Yeah that lag would drive me (look at what I'm doing here) 0-insance very quickly.
Wonder why that is present.
did u
teh cockpit from fanatec is 1200…lol
It's also for 360. Because Forza 3 will support it.
400+ cdn on the turbo S for 360 aint underground>>>>more like royalty
im going to stick with microsoft better than paying 300 bucks. i could buy a ps3 slim with that money.
will the g25 work on 360 for an game????
get "911 turbo S" wheel that supports xbox 360. go to google and click "911 turbo wheel" see all the positive reviews from people. dont click "S" just "911 turbo wheel" cause nobody has "S" model yet. its same but "S" is just a 360 compatible wheel.
911 turbs S model is SOLD OUT you have to wait til november. this is very very high demand wheel.
october delivery is sold out but not november delivery.
i really like the 911 Turbo S wheel but it doesn't have the ABS simulation for the brakes. is that important to have?
If i were playing i'd see one of those girls walk by and BAM!! into a wall
S is actually an all console compatible wheel. it works on all 3 major consoles. pc, ps3, and 360. not just 360. your thinking of the turbo s "PURE EDITION" theres a more expensive turbo s wheel that supports all console. its 100$ more
you must try this fanatec 911 turbo wheel. this wheel is amazing compare to g25 or g27. especially playing rally game on drift mode on the wheel is nice.
I am talking about the fanatec 911 turbo wheel!!!!!!! the S version plays on all consoles. so pay the extra 100$ and get the fanatec 911 turbo "S" wheel..
turbo S package cost $349 in US. regular turbo package is only $199. but i got the S version so i can play both ps3,pc and 360. if somebody wants g27 get a turbo package($199). much better wheel than g27.
yeah same here. i would agree the turbo s is the best wheel out by a long shot. glad to see someone agrees. and the "regular" turbo your thinking of is just the wheel. for the "whole" regular turbo package its 24$ with tax. im looking at there website right now. but either way we are both on the same page turbo s is the way to go. great wheel. and the compatibility is what set it over the top. at least for me it did.
First the Roccat Kone's mouse poster starting at 0:23 then those stunners at 0:39 …
Oh yah, nice wheel. xD
look on fanatec's website. it is not 200$ its 249$ for pure edition and 349 for the all console version…
Why are you not using the H Shifter or clutch? Also…. put away this toy next time there is good ass in the background like that!!!! Toys go away when women are around. Your focus is in the wrong place if your concentrating on your little toy wheel with that walking around.
I'm more interested at the hot girls in the background at 0:40
lol same i had to watch it twice cos i got distracted
it works better if you keep both hands on the wheel….damn simmers
Can that guy drive the car like a sane person!!!???
one hand driver 😀 you still alive?
@RMEProd stuff always has its little errors when it is first showed… just like prototype cars :p
It's not realistic enough.
cockpit is 1295$ on website
There is a cool invention, its called a brake pedal.
This man is like me if I would be there I would not see