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33 комментария
Need for speed anyone
In reality the car tyre would have come off and the truck would have been damaged
It's looks so unrealistic. Knew it was fake.
Is this real bro
For me, what gave it away was that the car bounced midair right before landing even though it never touched the silver car, it looks like it glitched but it shouldn't have made that sudden movement
Why would anybody waste their time faking stuff like this, get a life.
Where's the 'Save later' icon?
Poor car physics in video, dude.
To this day, most people who saw it think it's true.
They think it really happened.
Ever since this movie came out and it's been mentioned somewhere, I've been explaining to people that it's an animation.
But they don't believe me and they say I'm talking nonsense.
This video is a great job but it also shows how easy it is to fool people.
It is surprising that they believe what they are told on TV and that they believe politicians.
If you can push such a video to them and believe that it's possible, literally anything can be shoved into their stupid heads.
G wagon Accelerating faster than the McMurtry
Amazing render!
One wheel kind of dodged the fence. Also tire tracks are questionable.
Anand Mahindra ji tweet
Hit likes who came here after zoobear fact check on tweeter
Ok this is simply amazing! You are so good at this! I thought it was real at first until I saw a link in the comments on twitter to this Video! Keep up the outstanding work.
Also I would love to commission you on something I been wanting to do. Let me know if you are taking commissions for stuff like this. Thanks.
aint no way that theres people stupid enough to where they need a video explaining the obvious
amazing work
Anyone from twitter suggestion?
Lots of people talk about how fast the G wagon accelerated after the jump, but did anyone else think the landing of the wagon looked a bit janky? Maybe it's supposed to look like it slightly hit the silver car, but it just looks more like it was pulled to the ground.
In my opinion this was the biggest thing that gives it away, but fantastic animation nonetheless.
community notes rule!!!
What program did you use for CGI?
People who think this is real are the same people who will argue about how blue is actually pink.
You can see it lags a bit
Animated by 2NCS on youtube
This looks like a game
The OG made this video yall content theft his name is 2NCS anyway this is CGI
So it was fake ALL THE TIME?!
UK police does not use that type of lightbar — all blue with red warning rear lights one of the left the other on the right side usualy
“And that kids is how I met your father”
Bro someone stole this
So is the video fake or not!? I thiught this video was supposed to tell us but it doesnt at all! Wtf!!????