SeenThroughGlass vs SupercarsofLondon! Sam drives to Italy to buy a Pizza, whilst I head down into Monaco to MAKE a pizza!
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43 комментария
Wait, so Pauls Lambo doesn't have Lambo doors, but Sebs renualt does? What?
Lambo or twizzy.
F**k my lambo lets take your twizzy.
Never thought I'd hear that.
you can tell — THAT car never moved, look at the dry spot.
please do more of this it was fun
hey how many cars that seb owned?
song at 09:10?
You should've locked the front door so that then they couldn't get in
I love Carrefour, They have them in Cyprus! Although the things there are so damn expensive! lol
are u really that rich??
So cool
that one guys purple sneakers, what brand/model?
why you didn't take Lamborghini 100mph lol
do more of these races please
8:02 music name plz!
srseesxcxddd jusweeseexvudseeeeeddcvurssx
srsesesesduerersxurreesddc urresaZe
Cheapest Pizza in the world!
it would of been faster o take the lambo because they were already in it
I see shmee150's car
Seb should've dropped you off and picked you up. There's your 3 minutes.
F***king love these type of challenges , great to see it from both cameras
Carafour great
Do more of this videos
Holy shit Emmental on a pizza… That's something new :0
I smoked a big bag of sticky in Monaco and fell quite ill
Throws entire pig on pizza. "GO!!!!!"
Where you guys live? Like in france?
What is the name of that electric car?
what was the music when the got into that tiny car??
They probably should have just nuked the pizza on max temperature for like 5 mins
In 7:44 did some one hear Shiting
The next time in Monico Sam will take the fiat
It's like sam has to have a hat to cover up his bold head !!
Is it Halloween there
You should do another similar challenge.
Dude you need to do more of this stuff with out your shirt on. hot
You should do this challenge again this year in your Huracan! It would be more fun with this challenge!
What is the song on the twizzy while they were riding
Can someone tell
His head is different
Still one of my favourite videos , dont know how many times ive watched this
The Renault twizzy is by far the best vehicle there