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Travis Wizard is a channel devoted to helping Magic players move, think, and feel better.
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10 комментариев
Not early enough
So it is going to be around 1000 euro per person?
Get yourself a drone and a booster board Trav, and do this right :]
Hmmm, I think I'm feelin' house 1 a bit more, the architecture seems super cool. It's hard to tell without being there, though. Either way, I'm super interested.
Dude Trav, I am totally down to go!!!
I am coming back to Europe this year. Wouldn't you wanna do something this summer (2017) even with a smaller group?? Summer 2018 just seems like such a long wayyy from now
Feel free to message me & let me know
Yo Trav, big fan and love your videos. You're one of the realest dudes in the MTG community. I know this isn't MTG related, but I need some advice. I'm a senior in high school and close to graduating, but I feel lost. I don't really know what to do after high school. I don't know man, again, I just feel lost.
If you need a French guide my dude, here I am.
Nice place's found Travis.
I'd like to know the fine details about this retreat "camp" or whatever you want to call it. I've been doing some research about fitness and nature retreats around the US and what they offer. They are extremely expensive (2-5 thousand dollars) but they have individual trainers and councilors working with you over your 2-4 week stay. You get meals and travel as well. Does this french retreat have anything like this? Also, if I had to choose one, I'd choose countryside 100%.
Thoughts on RUG Dynavolt?