We made a brilliant discovery today. The Audi R8 HAS got rear seats! And we tested them out today!
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48 комментариев
I've always thought if you could have a rear seat
My OCD tries to kill me everytime you say 2 plus 2… SAY "EQUALS 4" DAMMIT!!
"Is there are a third seat" Theres something wrong^^
Is them gay ?????????
are the gtr rear seats that bad?
That blue is so cool
R8 seems to be the perfect family car :p
At 4:00 it looked like you was going to boot it with them facial expressions
I'm 5ft 2 can I test it out?
How long did it take for you to save up for your car and what's the insurance like?
fuck putting this on the internet — showing you driving with someone in the back without a seatbelt!
How fast have you been in the R8
hey paul your second supercar should be a nissan gtr
+Supercars of London What camera do you use?
If anyones interested…. Hes in Bucknalls drive in Bricket Wood
Lol funny vid keep it up
My friend managed to put 7 peoples with me included inside a Nissan 200SX S14a Sport Line.
Try to beat that 😀
Love the sound of the manual gear change clicks ! Aston martin DBS back seats really are shit , i dont see why it isnt a 2 seater ..
Great video
That was one hell of an outro!
SOL SOL SOL bad news, Jeremy clarkson is suspended, I hope the return
This would be like a limousine for Richard Hammond!
The new Audi TT Seats are bad!
This car needs tracked 😉
Hi Paul, not hating, just some constructive criticism, I recommend changing the font in the thumbnails, because I don't think it gives off a great first impression. Just some advice great video though, enjoyed the good old GT-R bashing :'D
What a shit video. It's like you're putting videos out just for the sake of it. No real thought or effort.
The GTR's rear seats are really not bad at all. A friend of mine which is 6'1 managed to fit in the rear seats of one with a bit of leg room space left over. With the seats at a norma location. It's certainly better than that bench in the R8.
He doesn't look tall.
Thinking of buying an everyday supercar (lol if there is one!)…. Any suggestions (Apart from the Ferrari FF>)?
Might aswell take the back seats out I can't even sit in a back of a audi TT either haha
Ha ha ha Paul, were you sending up Audi? So your R8 is a strict 2 seater. btw, which seat belt was your 'test dummy' using? At least, from what I could see, it was a shelf he was sitting on, as you say good for two wallets etc, and not token/pretend [unusable] seats that in fact inflate the price of a car, and a scumbag trick many car makers indulge in. I think honda possibly started the rip-off trend with their first prelude. bmw certainly perpetuated the fraud with the 3 series 2 door, and perhaps the extreme is the makers that jamb SEVEN seats into something that is clearly only a 4/5 seater. Not only is the price inflated, so is the weight, detrimental to the efficiency of the car. I suspect the demographic for super car buyers with 2 young children is tiny, which exposes the lie of a 2+2 configuration.
Hey Paul, what was your first car ever?
"Audis of london"
2:39 …
Worst rear seats I've seen are Aston Martin Vanquish ones. They're literally shelves
Ive quite hapilly fitted in a gtr back seat
What does he do for a living?
Someone please tell me how he actually has this car and what he does??
can you please make some armytrix videos again, where you drive around just showing off the aweosme sound ?
You could fit 2 midgets in the back of a DBS +Supercars of London
you would suit replacing jeremy Clarkson so much more than lord aleem! should apply.
Mucho Bun Choug!! Bloke—
Lol.. (Cantonese Colloquial)
WHat do you think about the BMW i8 i had this one one day and theese back seats are the most terrible.. i' ve ever seen in my life 😀 test it !!!!
try to do this on the audi TT mk3
that's actually my dream car
try on a lambo aventador is lot of space there
Can you fit a baby seat in it???