The youtube thought police mark yesterdays video as age restrictive. It had a description that was real about the pedofiles of our world eating our kids but there was no graphic content.
Anyway…this is the age we are living in where the satanists of youtube and google are pushing the new world order agenda and their deeds reflect their pappys view.
Here is todays end times headline news from across the world as it applies to us in these end days.
Be ye ready…
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i give you…'the best video of the day' award….so much fear in their videos…and no Christ….weak christians not ready for what is coming and is already here!…i cry in prayer for you christians who will not believe and be led by holiness….Your Father in Heaven waits upon His Children while most still wait upon Christ!…do you not know what His Blood means?…Are you without sin?..i am not!..i need His Righteousness for i have NONE of my own…this race isnt over and i have NOT received my Crown yet!…how is it they live and have crowns while i still run???….JASON…of them all…i believe you are the closest to understanding your position in Christ….this is to their shame those who would think to lead yet need leading themselves!