November 21, 2013
Eben Alexander is a neurosurgeon who has served on the medical staff at Brigham & Women’s Hospital, Boston Children’s Hospital, and Massachusetts General Hospital, and on the faculty of the Harvard Medical School, Duke University Medical Center, and the University of Massachusetts Medical School. He is the author of the bestseller Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Afterlife, which recounts his near-death experience and his subsequent decision to research the nature of human consciousness. After decades as an academician and practicing neurosurgeon, he is now committed to reconciling his spiritual experience with contemporary physics and cosmology.
Co-sponsor: Hennepin County Library
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10 комментариев
The "geography of consciousness" is a social construction. It has always confounded me when people believe that G-d and heaven are "up there" and we are "down here." While Alexander's book uses this language, his explanation in this lecture is poignant — and it needs to impact our theological language about the transcendent and immanent.
Go for it, Eben! You tell em. Great job and good stuff.
Curious to know what kind of fundamentalist Christian fallout might be going on here. The problem is that the full love and forgiveness of God comes from accepting the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal savior. God cant love unconditionally that would be absurd.
What an eloquent speaker.
I have a hard time believing God forgives serial killers etc right off the back as well as those who are responsible for this engineered economic mess due to their insatiable greed. Plus the wars being fought on behalf of certain peoples lies and deceit where millions have been murdered/killed because of these lies. There is too much greed and selfishness on this planet for God to be ok with it in the afterlife. It's bad enough God being ok with it in life, yet alone after life — I would like to kow there is accountability somewhere along the line!.
…………Awesome , Finally we going deeper into the understanding of Consciousness , Non — locality . Transdimensional states and higher states of Consciousness .
Everyone who wants to study about consciousness further you can watch on youtube Dr Steven greer higher states of Consciusness and Dr Steven greer the Science of Consciousness and Dr Steven greer the CTS Tutorial ( Very Important Wisdom ) , videos available on youtube .
We love conditionally we are not perfect unlike God who is and loves unconditionally it does not mean he loves what we do when we hurt others but he knew us before we were born since our spirit being has always existed so Scott it is not absurd that God loves unconditionally that does not mean that all will make it back those that repent get baptized and live his commandments get to return to Him.
Jeremiah 1:5 Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth ou of the womb i sanctified thee and i ORDAINED THEE A PROPHET unto the nations. I share this because the way God can continually love and believe in us is because he nurtured us before we came to earth and KNOWS who you are and no matter what you do that is not good he still sees you as a magnificent beautiful righteous soul He knows our destiny and never gives up on that vision of perfection if we but follow Him
wow, absolutely amazing talk!