This video describes how to by-pass the BMW e36 Brake Pad sensor light in your dashboard. Very simple mod to do. Just make sure you monitor your brake pads regularly so that you don’t get a seized calliper that eats up your pads and starts damaging your rotors.
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6 комментариев
this better work on my e87 ive the test for tomorrow morning… so out i got to get snipping 🙂
Thanks, This worked for my E39 520. It took a while for the dash light to go out though.
I was about to to the pads for the first time on my new (to me) 328IS coupe, and then found out about the sensors. I'm glad I found this before buying sensors I don't need/want. Thanks!
thanks a lot . it woorked .
Worked great on 06 325i, thanks!
Does it work on a 750Li ???