Höj volymen! Turn up the volume!
De två övre/högsta effektlägena funkar ej, fläkten går ej snabbare när de aktiveras. Går bara i «halvfart». PROBLEMET LÖST! Det var fläktmotståndet som var trasigt, bytte den och fläkten har sedan dess fungerat klockrent.
The «blower unit» (fan) doesn’t want to spin any faster at the three upper levels. PROBLEM SOLVED! The final stage unit was broke. Bought a new one and replaced the original one and the fan has since then worked just fine.
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7 комментариев
mine is also in that condition…………
The final stage unit was broke, I bought a new one and replaced it and since then it has worked just fine! Google "bmw final stage unit" and you will find everything you need to know. 🙂
if your climate control doesn't work then look for the repair guy on ebay. I shipped my climate control unit to him via USPS Priority mail and got back fixed on within 5 business days via Priority mail. I don't remember how much I paid but it was way way cheaper than buying new unit of course.
Har de tidigare modellerna av e36 även AC? Har en från 92 som inte kyler särskilt duktigt…
si alguien me puede áyudar mi bmw e36 4 cilindros 1993 explota cuando acelero a fondo soy nuevo en el foro gracias y saludos
graduate it is truly sigk oob chief !
prosecutor delivery approach full-time operating pretend course suffering struggle.