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21 комментарий
Dem definitely 24s. I kno u wanna sell more 22s. But them 24s
ILL!!!! them jawns look crazy af! that 750 look fire!!!
Can those fit a 96 Nissan maxima
They r so clean I would like those in chrome
Do the 22s look pretty big in this? I swear this guy had same wheels in 24s or 26s on charger with same "V" in center cap lol
They look like 24" because they have no lip…flat rims look bigger boss
What offset are those what offsets and width are available for a 05 crown victoria in 24"
these are not 22s and the tires are not 255/30 either…255/30s way thicker than that…but love the vid tho
Wave he shud know if they are 22's nigga
a fam do you still offer these?
I think 18" would have looked better. But that's just how I roll. 😉
how much are these going for?
ok kb where are u located
Kool I will be visiting today I live right in hallandale behind the highschool
same plaza as Scarlett's the gentleman's club, come see me 2952 SW 30th Ave Hallandale 33009
How do you keep up with the maintenance on your wheels? I have 22s on a Nissan Maxima and they ruin my tire pressure. I just got a flat tire last night. I don't want to get rid of them because that's too expensive. Can you provide any tips on how maintain them?
nitrogen leaks slower but if your having trouble run them at 44psi also you can get those little caps that tell you your Tire pressure. also you just put a reminder in your phone and fill them up like at least every other month
These look like 24s. They look much, much bigger than the supposedly same 22s on your 06 Charger video, which is a smaller car.
did anyone see that aventador go by on that towtruck on the freeway?
wats up I want the same rims but they telling me on the website saying they dont fit my car I have a 2004 bmw 745i and do I need a spacers for the car because it looks like you just put the room on with no problem how can I get those same rims I need the car to look like yours
Do you have any pic with Nissan Altima with these on it ?