A bucket list moment fulfilled as I go drifting with Felipe Massa & Valtteri Bottas! Thanks to Martini & Williams Martini Racing for making this possible!
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39 комментариев
Your excitement is contagious haha
Superb video James!!! WOWWWWW loved it, you lucky man!
The Merc is the only one wrong here 😀 It's so not up for the game 😀
Waouw James was so excited this is my first time seeing him tlike that lol
2:40 Henri Toivonen and co-driver Sergio Cresto.
How come your videos don't pop up in my sub box? I just realised I hadn't seen a video from you in two weeks
Mr JWW please change your sunglasses 🙂
I work for Martini and i can assure you that we haven't sent an invitation to this young man for this event, whoever he is.
I'm almost certain is must be "circuito" and not "circutio". But, practice makes perfect.
-Love the show.
This video…. it made me smile… great content as allways… keep it up.. 🙂
Hey James, what kind of hair product do you use? I really like it!
Nice job man, ur with two of the best like you said, great stuff!
Da um salve ae pra quem é brasileiro e acompanha o Mr Jww e curtiu o massinha representando os Brasileiros!!!
Man, your excitement is intoxicating.
Great editing too.
I enjoy your content very much James. Thank you and keep up the fantastic work
awesome video dude
Liked for that Massa smile 🙂
Breaking News: Massa entering Formula D in 2017 with a stock C63!
Mr JWW a person who becomes friends with everybody after a couple of seconds 😀 say hello to your two new buddies from me 😛
An f1 driver shouldn't be losing that corner Bottas….
hue br
The loveliest drivers of F1, Felipe & Valteri.
Can somebody please give the link to the full track. Thanks.
hey mate. great vid! name of the intro-song please? just the name….
Bad Bottas, excellent Massa
song name?
Grande piloto, pena que alguns brasileiros não dão tanto prestígio para ele, só porquê ele não foi tão grande como o Ayrton Senna.
I thought he was going to drive the Lancia or something
as a drifter, massa is better
watch this with your eyes shut 😉 sick video tho!!
"Uhu! UH! Uhu! UH! Ihi"
I just love Felipe's boyish entheusiasm, he's never lost it. The smile never leaves his face the whole time he's in the seat. True love of what he is so blessed to be able to do.
Bigger motormouth than what's under the hood. Skip tp 4:00 where actual driving starts after all the selfie shots.
Legendary footage ,great spirited people
James sounds high when he's in the car
by far the worst Ferrari driver ever….especially in the rain…what a bad driver…The AWESOME Senna wouldn't be proud of this BAD driver !!!
MrJWW and a driver drifting
With Massa: "Yeaaah yeaa, come'on HAHAHA"
With Bottas: "Minimal talking"
With Wehrlein: "Shut up and watch my skills! You can't do that? It's because I'm superior"
Why did they have esc on when they were drifting doesn’t that kinda stop u from drifting