In the 7th video of the AMG Driving Academy Performance Series, professional drivers and AMG Driving Academy hosts and instructors Tommy Kendall and Nick Kunewalder demonstrate why drifting is «the ballet of power-sliding.» Drifting is the deft application of throttle as your vehicle’s tires lose traction, which can make for sideways trips around around the twisties.
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9 комментариев
you should show us how to do it (:
will this help me get laid?
In Japan, maybe 😛
@XmojotronX if you had a car like that maybe
Starting to save my dinner money to buy SLS.
its like shredding money on the track
i know what the ladies like…hitting it sideways! 😉
The driver is creating way more wheel spin than necessary and he's just smoking the rear tires. These are more like rolling burnouts than true drifts.